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In this video adapted from the ICT Center, students will learn about "the angles associated with light propagation in optical fibers." The video also demonstrates the meaning of total internal reflection, acceptance angle and numerical aperture. The material is intended for students in grades 11-12....
In this video adapted from the ICT Center, students will "learn how rise-time analysis is performed to determine the maximum data range of a fiber optic communications system." The video also demonstrates how a transmitter, fiber, and receiver work together. The material is intended for students in...
Screenshot for A Stakeholder Approach to Teaching a Farm to Fork Case Study
In this 3-page activity, provided by the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), students study environmental contaminates and human health. Each student takes the role of a stakeholder in the issue of protecting a community from foodborne illness. Suggestions are provided to...
These slides, provided by Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), were presented by Dr. Katherine Manley at the Ready, Set, Launch Fall Academy conference held November 11-13, 2013. "This academy was held to discuss examples of AMTEC's curriculum implementation at Alamo...
Screenshot for A Taste of the College Experience
ATETV continues to produce excellent web-based videos spotlighting advanced technical careers and educational programs. This video, part of the From High School to College series, focuses on high school students at the Learning Center for the Deaf experience a college level IT class. The video runs...
Screenshot for A Toolkit for Improving Professional Development Evaluation
This webinar, from Edmonds Community College, introduces the FAS4ATE2 project and discusses professional development (PD) assessment challenges and instruction assessment tools. The webinar begins with a discussion about PD, PD challenges, and a background study conducted by the project. The main...
Screenshot for A Toolkit to Implement Supply Chain Biomanufacturing Projects
In this video, published by InnovATEBIO, Ying-Tsu Loh and Terri Quenzer discuss the BioSCOPE supply chain hub project and their work in developing curriculum and materials. BioSCOPE 101, a resource for implementing supply chain biomanufacturing projects, was created by this project and is described...
Screenshot for A Turn to Engineering: The Continuing Struggle of Technology Education for Legitimization as a School Subject
This paper, from Theodore Lewis of the Department of Work Community and Family Education at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, discusses technology education as a school subject. Lewis introduces pre-engineering and its magnet school conception, as well as wider adoption. 
This paper, by Richard E. Satchwell and William E. Duggar, Jr., from the Technology for All Americans Project in Blacksburg, Virginia, introduces their project and the results consensus building activities that they conducted at technology education meetings around the United States. Technology...
This paper was developed by Dr. Yeh, Dr. Liao, and Joe Petrosky from the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) and was presented at the 120th American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition on June 24, 2013. The objective of the paper is to review the...
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