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Screenshot for Adapting Evaluations in the Era of Social Distancing
Description: This webinar, made available by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education (ATE), provides strategies for adapting ATE evaluations for social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics covered include: changes in inputs and/or resources in the logic...
Screenshot for Adaptive Blended Learning Environments
This conference paper, by Larry Howard, Zsolt Remenyi, and Gabor Pap, of Vanderbilt University's Institute for Software Integrated Systems, covers technology used to create adaptive blended learning environments. The authors discuss "opportunities and issues related to this prospect, both...
Screenshot for Addition of Decimals (Lesson 15 of 18)
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is an exploration in the addition of decimal numbers. In this lesson, students work individually and in pairs to solve application problems using multiple methods. Included in the lesson plan is a...
Screenshot for Addition of Fractions (Lesson 10 of 18)
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides an opportunity for students to explore adding fractions with like and unlike denominators. In this lesson, students work in pairs to demonstrate the addition of fractions utilizing models,...
Screenshot for Addition of Natural Numbers (Lesson 2 of 18)
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides an opportunity for students to add natural numbers together. In the activity, students work in pairs to add two multi-digit natural numbers, where addends differ in number of digits. Included...
Screenshot for Additive Manufactured Polymers in Bending Stress
This document highlights a learning module that explores additive manufactured polymers. Through the module, students create polymer materials, make a test matrix, and conduct an experiment to explore bending stress. Lab software and equipment requirements, instructor notes, the experiment's...
Screenshot for Additive Manufacturing of Magnetic Materials
This 17-page module, from Tennessee Technological University, "introduces students to the additive (AM) methods used in fabricating magnetic materials." This module briefly covers "magnetic properties, types of magnetic materials, AM technologies used to produced these magnets, and application...
Screenshot for Additive Manufacturing, Slicing & Low Cost FDM Study
This 39-page report is written by Eric Wooldridge, who demonstrates that adopting desktop additive manufacturing (AM) processes can be low cost and improve efficiency. In this study, Wooldridge evaluates the cost-savings potential of using 3D printers to produce tools, equipment, and spare parts...
This classroom module will give students "an overview of the materials used in Additive Manufacturing printers, including the properties, process, Strength, production time, uses, post processing requirements and relative cost for use." At the end of the lesson, students will have a general...
This classroom module will give students "an introduction to Additive Manufacturing Terminology used in manufacturing and in the classroom." The lesson focuses on orienting students to the standard ASTM International terminology used in additive manufacturing and explore the basic processes used in...
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