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Screenshot for An Introduction to BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology
This website from nanoHUB provides information about BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology. The website provides a brief description about BioMEMS and Biotechnology and links to four course lecture videos. The lectures are titled Introduction, Device Fabrication Methods, DNA and Proteins; Essentials of...
Screenshot for An Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 1.212J/ESD.221J, An Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems. The course examines how ground transportation can be improved by applying technology directly within the system, and utilizing sophisticated...
This slide deck was presented on October 26, 2017 as part of a National Academy of Sciences workshop on the role of digital tutors. This workshop, entitled "The Role of Digital Tutors," "describe[s] the evidence on the efficacy of Digital Tutors, exploring our current knowledge about the...
Screenshot for An Introduction to Manufacturing in Minnesota Teacher Guide
​​​​​This 80-page teacher guide, provided by the Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence, includes ready-made lessons for students in grades 6-12 to explore careers in manufacturing. This guide includes the following chapters: What is Manufacturing, Manufacturing in Minnesota,...
Screenshot for An Introduction to Nanotechnology
Created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization at Pennsylvania State University, this presentation provides an introduction to products and careers related to nanotechnology. After providing a definition of nanotechnology, the presentation goes on to illustrate the size of a...
In this 4-page activity, provided by the Unmanned Aircraft System operations Technician Education Program (UASTEP), students are introduced to some of the properties (i.e. return value, point count) of LiDAR data gathered by a sensor mounted on a drone or unmanned aircraft system. In addition,...
Screenshot for An Introduction to Voice over the IP: SCANS and Competencies
This 2-page resource, from the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), provides learning outcomes and performance objectives for a Voice over IP course. These outcomes and objectives are related to workplace skills that students may use in their future careers. An example of learning...
This resource, provided by Florida State University, is a report of an online focus group that was created by the Assessing Information Technology Educational Pathways That Promote Deployment and Use of Rural Broadband project. The goal of this National Science Foundation Advanced Technological...
This module consists of a lab, PowerPoint presentation, and modified syllabus which all relate to Toyota's continuously variable Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) transmission. All materials were developed under a seed grant from the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT). The PowerPoint...
Screenshot for Analog Sample Quality: Accuracy, Sensitivity, Precision, and Noise
This tutorial is provided by National Instruments and covers the basics of analog sampling quality. Topics include Resolution, Measurement Sensitivity, Accuracy and Example Accuracy Calculation, and Difference between Precision and Accuracy. The page also includes a video demonstration on analog...
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