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Screenshot for Automated Packaging Challenge - Sweet Machines
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a mathematics activity designed for sixth graders. In this activity, students examine candy manufacturing processes to determine the most consistent process, building both math and decision making skills. Students will use "...
This collection of classroom activities from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute is a useful stop for biology educators teaching topics such as stem cells, viruses, evolution, biodiversity, heredity, and molecular biology. Each activity accompanies a particular HHMI lecture series, all of which can...
Screenshot for Board Game Piece Challenge - It's  Game Time
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a mathematics activity designed for seventh graders. In this activity, "students use different measurement tools and create procedures to determine the dimensions of a set of 3-D printed geometric solids." Following that, they "...
Screenshot for BTEC 2000: Biotechnology Experience
Program Description: The Biotechnology program at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) prepares students for transferring to higher education and employment in the biotech industry. SLCC offers a Biotechnology Associate of Science degree and a Certificate of Proficiency. Classes are offered in a...
Screenshot for C-TEACH Academy:  Standardization of NaOH & Introduction to Quality Control Laboratory Experiment
This professional development activity, from Cape Fear Community College, introduces STEM educators to standardization titration. After making a sodium hydroxide solution, the base will be standardized with potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) in order to determine its true concentration. An...
Screenshot for C-TEACH Academy:  Using Burettes Laboratory Experiment
This 12-page professional development activity, provided by Cape Fear Community College, introduces STEM educators to the proper use of a burette. The laboratory procedure provides background on the use and setup of a burette, an introductory problem, instructions for the lab, and lab questions. In...
Screenshot for C-TEACH Academy:  Using Micropipettes Laboratory Experiment
This 9-page professional development activity, provided by Cape Fear Community College, introduces STEM instructors to the proper use of micropipettes. The laboratory procedure provides background on the use and setup of a micropipette, an introductory problem, instructions for the lab, and lab...
Screenshot for C-TEACH Academy:  Using Volumetric Pipettes Laboratory Experiment
This 9-page professional development activity, provided by Cape Fear Community College, introduces STEM instructors to the proper use of volumetric pipettes (or pipets). The laboratory procedure provides background on the use, parts, and setup of a volumetric pipette, an introductory problem,...
Screenshot for Coral Reef Challenge: Don't Wreck the Reef
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a biology and ecology activity designed for seventh graders. In this activity, students learn about the destruction of coral reefs in Fiji through the lesson and videos, and then act as biologists making recommendations to the...
Course Description: This course, developed by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), is the first of two courses that cover basic photonics concepts. This course includes six modules. These modules are intended for "students and instructors involved in the preparation of...
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