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Assessment Material -- Answer Key


This collection, made available by Cark State Community College, includes instructional material to help students visualize one acre. Included in the collection are presentation slides, two short assessment activities, and an additional document with information about the acre at 1/64 scale.  The ...
Screenshot for What is an Energy Bill (Part 1 of 2)
This collection from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) is composed of teaching materials that highlight the first of two lessons on energy bills. Energy bills during different seasons, the features of energy bills, and other topics are...
Screenshot for What is an Energy Bill (Part 2 of 2)
This collection from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) is composed of teaching materials that highlight the second of two lessons on energy bills. The collection is composed of four documents.  The documents include an instructors guide and...
Screenshot for What's the Cheapest Watt
This collection from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) is composed of teaching materials that highlight a lesson on energy conservation. The collection is composed of four documents. The documents include an instructors guide and answer key, a...
Screenshot for Winter Weather Challenge: Snow Day
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a meteorology activity designed for sixth graders. In this activity, students learn to search for trends in weather forecasts then play the role of school officials to determine whether school should be closed for snow. In the...
Screenshot for Wireshark Scenario
This collection of resources, from the Cybersecurity Education for Advanced Manufacturing Organizations project, is a part of the Wireshark Scenario. This scenario is a training module that introduces Wireshark, a free program used to monitor and inspect network traffic. The module teaches the...
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