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This website, published by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations, offers various resources related to sustainable development across teh globe.  Topics covered range in subject matter; they include resources related to atmospheric pollution, food security and water and...
This lesson, from the Technological Education Pathways Partnership (TEPP), examines the internal workings of USB drives. A PowerPoint presentation lays out the makeup of basic USB thumb drive devices, as well as some standards and applications, and a Word document guides students through a teardown...
Screenshot for Webinar 4: Exploring Biotech Careers in the Time of Coronavirus
This webinar is part of the Spring 2020 Teaching Biotech from a Distance webinar series provided by InnovATEBio National Biotechnology Education Center. This webinar presents, a career website with a biotech company database, that educators can share with students to explore job...
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