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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Karnaugh Maps Part 1 V1
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video is the first of three that describe Karnaugh maps. The recording runs 18:21 minutes in length and parts two and three...
Screenshot for Karnaugh Maps Part 2 V1
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video is the second of three that describe Karnaugh maps. The recording runs 39:56 minutes in length and parts one and three ...
Screenshot for Karnaugh Maps Part 3 V1
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video is the third of three that describe Karnaugh maps. The recording runs 21:58 minutes in length and parts one and two...
Screenshot for Keynote: The Role of Commissioning in Successful Building Operations With Jay Santos
This presentation, from the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center, is from the BEST Center's 2022 Annual Institute. In this presentation, Jay Santos, P.E. principle of Facility Dynamics Engineering, discusses commissioning and retro commissioning with a focus on energy. Santos...
The North Carolina Community College System BioNetwork's interactive eLearning tools (IETs) are reusable chunks of training that can be deployed in a variety of courses or training programs. IETs are designed to enhance, not replace hands-on training. Learners are able to enter a hands-on lab...
Screenshot for Lab: Adjusting Charge Controller Settings (7 of 25)
This video is provided by the Renewable Energy Systems Training (REST) Laboratory Development and Workforce Training project and guides viewers through the seventh lab in a series on photovoltaic (PV) systems. In the video, viewers learn how to adjust the charge control settings for a PV...
Screenshot for Lab: Connecting Grid Connected System with Battery (10 of 25)
This video is provided by the Renewable Energy Systems Training (REST) Laboratory Development and Workforce Training project and guides viewers through the tenth lab in a series on photovoltaic (PV) systems. In the video, viewers learn how to connect grid connected systems with a battery...
Screenshot for Lab: Connecting Grid Connected System Without Battery (9 of 25)
This video is provided by the Renewable Energy Systems Training (REST) Laboratory Development and Workforce Training project and guides viewers through the ninth lab in a series on photovoltaic (PV) systems. In the video, viewers learn how to connect grid connected systems without a battery...
Screenshot for Lab: Connecting Stand-Alone AC Systems (8 of 25)
This video is provided by the Renewable Energy Systems Training (REST) Laboratory Development and Workforce Training project and guides viewers through the eighth lab in a series on photovoltaic (PV) systems. In the video, viewers learn how to wire stand-alone AC systems. This lab video runs 07:22 ...
Screenshot for Lab: Introduction to PV System Components (1 of 25)
This video is provided by the Renewable Energy Systems Training (REST) Laboratory Development and Workforce Training project and guides viewers through the first lab in a series on photovoltaic systems. This lab covers lesson and skill one and is a general overview of the entire lab and circuit they...
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