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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Landsat 8 Intro to ToA Radiance and Reflectance, Part 1 of 2
This video, from the Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT), is the first of a two part concept module that focuses on correcting digital numbers (DN) for the two types of sensors on Landsat 8. The sensor Operational Land Imager (OLI) corrected to Top of Atmosphere...
Screenshot for Landsat Analysis Ready Data Webinar
This video from AmericaView explores Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD). In the video, R. Douglas Ramsey from UtahView at the Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory at Utah State University provides a general introduction to Landsat ARD and discusses data organization, data products, analysis strategies,...
Screenshot for LAS Dataset Properties in ArcMap (Chapter 7 of 16)
This video, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 16 tutorial videos on using Lidar with ArcGIS Desktop. This tutorial demonstrates how to understand LAS dataset properties in ArcMap, one of the software applications of ArcGIS Desktop, and how to alter the display...
Screenshot for Laser Beam Diameter and Divergence (Lab 11 of 23)
This video from Laser-Tec is part of a series of light and optics experiments. In this lab, participants measure laser beam divergence, calculate a laser beam's diameter, determine the divergence of an HeNe laser, and calculate beam waist. Equipment includes a laser diode module, laser holder, two...
Screenshot for Laser Beam Steering with Right Angle Prism (Lab 7 of 23)
This video from Laser-Tec is part of a series of light and optics experiments. In this lab, participants trace light rays traveling through a right angle prism, use experiment data to verify the law of refraction and reflection, demonstrate the total internal reflection in a right angle prism, and...
Screenshot for Laser Safety (Lab 1 of 23)
This video from Laser-Tec is part of a series of light and optics experiments. This lab explores laser safety. Through this lab, participants learn about the main properties of laser light, the difference between coherent and incoherent light sources, laser safety rules, and the absorption of laser...
Teachers' Domain presents this video as part of a series on advanced technological education. In the video, a laser technician supervisor is profiled. He describes his daily work and what education is required to work in the field. The clip highlights teamwork, communication and troubleshooting as...
Screenshot for Laser Technicians From Indian Hills Community College
This video, from Indian Hills Community College, includes information about and interviews from laser technicians. Engineers and technicians describe positive aspects of photonics careers, different types of technicians who use photonics in their jobs, and important subjects to study in school. This...
Screenshot for Latches and Flip Flops V1
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes latches and flip flops and runs 59:48 minutes in length.
Screenshot for Latitude and Longitude
This video, created by Andy Jensen and narrated by Shant Salakian, provides a brief introduction to latitude and longitude. Salakian explains how latitude and longitude are used to describe locations on the surface of the earth. The video runs 03:14 minutes in length. 
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