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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Lava Challenge: Molten Madness
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features an earth science activity designed for sixth graders. In this activity, students develop a procedure using a scale model with dish soap to determine how long it takes lava to flow, then draft recommendations for the evacuation of...
Screenshot for Law of Reflection (Lab 3 of 23)
This video from Laser-Tec is part of a series of light and optics experiments. In this lab, participants explore the law of reflection by using lasers and learn about how light interacts with matter. Equipment includes a laser pointer, two mirrors on wooden blocks, a protractor, pencil, and white...
Screenshot for Law of Refraction (Lab 4 of 23)
This video from Laser-Tec is part of a series of light and optics experiments. In this lab, participants learn about Snell's law of refraction by using experiment data to calculate the angle of refraction for the green laser light on the air-acrylic boundary. Equipment includes a laser pointer, an...
This animation, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), demonstrates a leak detection simulator. In the animation, users perform the vacuum testing ("outside-in") method of leak detection with a mass spectrometer leak detector. Users can control a helium spray probe and...
Screenshot for Lean and Agile Synergies in IT
This presentation, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) and given by Laura Chang from Dallas College, explores the "DNA origins" of Lean and Agile and how together the two practices help technical teams work collaboratively and find flow in their work. Chang shares her...
Screenshot for Learn How to Export Canvas Content to Other Systems
This video from LASER-TEC provides steps on exporting Canvas content to other learning management systems. Steps on exporting courses, importing them into other learning management systems, uploading files, and importing parts of courses are highlighted. The video recording runs 6:53 minutes in...
Screenshot for Learning Activities 2.1-2.4: Pump down and Venting Procedures Video
This video, published by Erie Community College, features two parts: one that provides an overview of the components of a rough vacuum system using the Rough Vacuum System Trainer (RVET) and another that demonstrates the pumpdown procedure using an RVET. Part one covers RVET components such as...
Screenshot for Learning Activities 2.1-2.4: Pump Down Procedure for a Rough Vacuum System Video
In this video, published by Erie Community College, the presenter demonstrates the pumpdown procedure, providing a narration of the RVET's activity as it undergoes the pumpdown process. Additionally, the correct pumpdown setup and safe starting of the pump are discussed. The video corresponds with...
Screenshot for Learning Activities 2.1-2.4: Rough Vacuum System Components Video
In this video, published by Erie Community College, the presenter provides an overview of the components of a rough vacuum system using the Rough Vacuum System Trainer (RVET). Covered components include piping, clamps, valves (vent and butterfly), gauges (Enhanced Perani and Bourdon), bell...
Screenshot for Learning Activities 2.1-2.4: Venting Procedure for a Rough Vacuum System Video
In this video, published by Erie Community College, the presenter guides viewers through the venting procedure for a Rough Vacuum System Trainer (RVET), discussing valve positioning and narrating the effect of venting on pressure in the RVET chamber. The video corresponds with lessons in a student...
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