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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Created by Terry L.M. Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, this is an object lesson on alternating current flow. This is a nice brief introduction to this specific topic. Its employment of Flash allows useful interaction with the presentation.
This learning object, created by Terry L.M. Bartelt and John Rosz of Wisconsin Online Resource Center, focuses on alternating current voltage conversion problems. Aside from just the presentation, this site also contains practice problems. Overall, this is a useful presentation for a brief...
Screenshot for Alternating Current Voltage Conversions
Terry L.M. Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center has created this object learning activity on alternating current (AC) voltage conversions. This is a nice introduction for those interested in this basic topic.
Screenshot for Alternative Paths to a Technical Career
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, dual enrollment, changing careers and GIS technology are discussed. Many community colleges offer dual enrollment programs: high school students can receive college credit...
This webpage, provided by the Georgia Institute of Technology, includes videos from the Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping Integrated To Unlock Potential (AMP-IT- UP) project. AMP-IT-UP is a partnership between the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Griffin-Spalding County School System....
This learning object, created by Terry Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, provides information about impedance matching applications. "learners consider why an impedance matching transformer is needed to connect an antenna to a television."
This video by Bio-Link provides information on the Bay Area Biotechnology Education Consortium (BABEC). Teachers, students, and industry professionals discuss the opportunities BABEC provides for Bay Area schools, educators, and students. BABEC "is dedicated to supporting access to biotech education...
Screenshot for An Introduction to APIs
This presentation, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), discusses APIs, REST, SOAP and GRAPHQL and how they relate to one another. Viewers will learn about APIs and what different techniques are used to communicate between services. This presentation is intended to help...
Screenshot for An Introduction to Archiving with ATE Central
This webinar is provided by Internet Scout Research Group and was presented by Kendra Bouda and Rachael Bower of ATE Central on September 15, 2020. In this webinar, presenters discuss the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) archiving requirement and ATE Central's...
Screenshot for An Introduction to BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology
This website from nanoHUB provides information about BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology. The website provides a brief description about BioMEMS and Biotechnology and links to four course lecture videos. The lectures are titled Introduction, Device Fabrication Methods, DNA and Proteins; Essentials of...
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