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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for NetLab Virtualization: Providing Labs Anywhere and Anytime
This video from the National Convergence Technology Center explores NetLab, which provides students with access to information technology (IT) and cybersecurity labs remotely. In the video, Bill Saichek explores NetLab generally, as well as custom labs and pods in IT and cybersecurity areas through...
Screenshot for Network Topologies
Network topology is the physical arrangement of the switching devices of a network connecting a group of computers or buildings. This brief interactive activity, by the Electromechanical Digital Library and Wisconsin Technical College System faculty, explains how and why these connections are made....
This animation, is provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), includes a basic overview of the different types of of computer networks. Local Area Networks (LANS), Wide Area Networks (WANS), client servers, and Peer-to-Peer networks are covered. An .mp4 file is also available...
Screenshot for Neurodiversity: Untapped Talent That Can Help Meet the Cyber Skills Shortage
This webinar from the National CyberWatch Center is part of a series of webinars on cybersecurity. In the webinar, Diane Delaney and Megan Roddie discuss "neurodiversity and cybersecurity at IBM and the importance of having neurodivergent teams." IBM's neurodiversity initiatives, recruitment...
This is an object learning lesson, created by Terry Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, on neutral current of an Edison wire system. "Learners take a close look at the Edison Wire System and observe how the current values through the two lines and the neutral of the system change as the...
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, video game design, green building technologies, and wind energy technologies are discussed and individual students and employers share their enthusiasm for these exciting --...
Screenshot for New Opportunities for Learning
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV looks at non-traditional students returning to college for career training. These students have many useful skills already; returning to school makes them more marketable and...
Screenshot for New Technologies Rely on Age-Old Skills
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, lasers and photonics technology, wind energy technology and the importance of mathematics are discussed. Technology being taught at community colleges, such as laser and...
Screenshot for New Wintex 1000S Soil Sampling System on John Deere Gator In Action
This video, published by, is a demonstration of the Wintex1000S soil sampling system on a John Deere Gator. The system's features and advantages are described in detail and it is also compared to the hand probe technique. The recording runs 2:53 minutes in length.
Screenshot for Next Generation Workforce Certification Webinar
This webinar, provided by the National Center for Supply Chain Automation, provides information on the Next Generation Workforce Certification. "The discussion covers the competencies and skill required of the technicians needed to support automated supply chain facilities." The webinar also...
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