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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Simple Periscope (Lab 10 of 23)
This video from Laser-Tec is part of a series of light and optics experiments. This lab explores simple periscopes, which are optical systems used in marine settings. The experiment provides a real-world example of the refraction and reflection of light, as well as the use of lenses, prisms, and...
Screenshot for Simplified Energy Modeling Tool for Your Classroom
This video from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) explores Sketchbox, an open-source concept energy modeling tool for educators. In the video, Saranya Gunasingh from Slipstream describes Sketchbox, survey results on its energy efficiency, and...
Screenshot for Simulation and Game Development; Geospatial Technologies; Civil Engineering
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV examines simulation and game development, geospatial technologies, and civil engineering. The video can be viewed whole or in three segments: "From Playing Games to Making Them,"...
Screenshot for Simulation Design Framework for Multiscale Multiphysics Thermo Electric and Electro Chemical Transport
In this video, provided by the Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) at the annual MNTeSIG Live! 2022 virtual conference, Auro Ashish Saha from Puducherry Technological University explores nanoHUB btesolver and dualfoil resources that enable the study of thermo electric and electro...
Screenshot for Sinclair Community College's
In this webinar from the Convergence Technology Center (CTC) at Collin College, Kyle Jones explores an introductory information technology (IT) course at Sinclair Community College. A former grant that was centered around a spiral curriculum to reduce redundancies in IT education, the different...
This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the first part of a two part lecture that discusses the properties of circles and sine waves. The main objective of the lecture is to "examine the circular origins of sinusoidal waves[,] convert between radians and degrees[, and] evaluate...
This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the second part of a two part lecture that discusses the properties of circles and sine waves. The main objective of the lecture is to "examine the circular origins of sinusoidal waves[,] convert between radians and degrees[, and] evaluate...
This animation, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), includes a cut-away and a short description that explain how a pneumatic single action gripper works. An .mp4 is also available for viewing and runs 1:20 minutes in length. 
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, provides a detailed overview of single cycle reciprocation with dwell period. The presenter discusses "several different implementations of electrically controlled hydraulic systems that execute the single cycle reciprocation action...
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, provides a detailed overview of single cycle reciprocation with dwell period. The presenter discusses "several different implementations of electrically controlled hydraulic systems that execute the single cycle reciprocation action...
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