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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Teaching Chromatography Basics - Upstream and Downstream Processing
This video is part of the AC2 Biomanufacturing Workshop 1- Overview and Bacterial Systems that was held by AC2 Bio-Link Regional Center and InnovATEBIO National Center. During this video, Dr. Isso Bayala, biotechnology instructor at Quincy College, discusses teaching chromatography basics. Bayala...
Screenshot for Teaching Cybersecurity Across Disciplines
In this video from the National Cybersecurity Training and Education Center (NCyTE), Corrinne Sande and Anna Ritchey talk about NCyTE's effort to expand cybersecurity education across disciplines, the ways in which educators and administrators can participate or contribute, and different workshops...
Screenshot for Teaching Math to Deaf Students
This page from DeafTEC presents a list of resources on teaching math to deaf students. Resources include Word Problem Analysis Template, ASL/Math Dictionaries, Math signs, Math Concept Description in ASL, Math Lesson in ASL, a best practices at the secondary level presentation, and more
Screenshot for Teaching Modern Remote Sensing
This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, discusses teaching modern remote sensing. Viewers will "learn about new teaching materials to aid the development of university-level curricula for imagery and remote sensing." The video also covers "... imagery workflows and ready-to-use data apps,...
Screenshot for Teaching Resources for Energy Educators
During this video, from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), Scott Liddicoat discusses teaching resources created by him and others from CREATE. These faculty tested energy resources and lab activities are teacher and student friendly. Liddicoat...
Screenshot for Teaching Sustainability & Energy Literacy to Technicians
This presentation, provided by the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center, is from the BEST Center's 2022 Institute and is concerned with with the incorporation of sustainability and energy literacy into technician education. The presenters focus on how sustainability and...
Screenshot for Teaching Using Social Virtual Reality
This video presentation discusses virtual reality (VR) as a tool in education, while demonstrating Altspace VR, a social virtual reality application. The presenters include Mark Gill and Alan Srock, who cover topics including the benefits of VR for teaching online classes, the differences between...
Screenshot for Teaching With a GIS Toolkit
This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, provides three presentations about the suite of web-based tools in the ArcGIS School Bundle. In the first presentation, Judith Bock explores the integration of geospatial technologies into AP Human Geography courses. Bock highlights a curriculum...
In this professional development video from Getting Results, Dr. John Bransford, professor of education at the University of Washington School of Education, as well as an instructor and a student discuss the value of applying what is learned in the classroom. Bransford and the instructor talk about...
This episode of ATETV looks at careers at the healthcare company, Highmark. The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this video, a software developer talks about his work talking to customers, developing mobile apps, and collaborating with...
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