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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, provides a detailed overview of multifunction timers performing the positive and negative edge triggered one shot function. The presenter also reviews general timer functions and shows how to employ a timer executing both the positive and...
Screenshot for Tiny But Mighty - Nanobodies Tafesse
In this video, from Digital World Biology, Dr. Tavasa discusses research on tuberculosis (TB) and the development of nanobodies as potential diagnostic and therapeutic tools. During the video, Dr. Tavasa explains the challenges of TB treatment, especially drug resistance, and the limitations of...
In this video provided by Bio-Link, Xan Simonson discusses creating a high school biotechnology program. Simonson is the coordinator of the Mesa Public Schools Biotech Academy, a program created for at risk students. The program focuses on teaching skills and techniques for working in a research...
In this video created by Bio-Link, Nathan Hillson, biotech mentor, provides tips on creating a scientific poster. Some tips include: Templates are helpful when starting to create the poster. Minimize the amount of text and emphasize the number of pictures; use pictures to highlight talking points....
Screenshot for TMCC  Manufacturing: Parallel Circuits
In this video from Truckee Meadows Community College, Nathan Lower describes parallel circuits. Lower explores Ohm's Law, voltage, the difference between parallel and series wiring, resistance, and amperage. The video recording runs 7:13 minutes in length.
Screenshot for TMCC Manufacturing: Calculate Capacitance Series
In this training video from Truckee Meadows Community College, Eric Adjei provides information on how to calculate equivalent capacitance for a series circuit. The video recording runs 4:44 minutes in length.
Screenshot for TMCC Manufacturing: Calculating Capacitance Parallel
In this training video from Truckee Meadows Community College, Eric Adjei provides information on how to calculate equivalent capacitance for a parallel circuit. Ohm's Law is highlighted. The video recording runs 9:39 minutes in length.
Screenshot for TMCC Manufacturing: Convert Line Diagram to Wiring Diagram
In this training video from Truckee Meadows Community College, Eric Adjei provides information on how to convert a line diagram to a wire diagram. Stop/start devices, voltage, series and parallel circuits, motors, contacts, overload, line numbers, rung numbers, wiring numbers, coils, and more are...
Screenshot for TMCC Manufacturing: Lab Safety Reminder
In this video from Truckee Meadows Community College, Eric Adjei emphasizes the importance of lab safety rules and instructions for students. The video recording runs 00:51 minutes in length.
Screenshot for TMCC Manufacturing: Line Diagrams
In this training video from Truckee Meadows Community College, Nathan Lower talks about line diagrams. Lower provides information on how to create a diagram, which includes information on control voltage, rungs, reference numbers, and wire numbers. The video recording runs 9:11 minutes in length.
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