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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for BMCC Precision Ag Series: Variable Rate Application
This video, published by Blue Mountain Community College, provides an introduction to variable rate application. Employees in various aspects of the agricultural industry discuss relevant equipment and technology. Tractors are shown applying chemicals in agricultural fields using the technique, and...
Screenshot for BMW Hydrogen Technology 3D Animation
This video is a tank and engine animation of the BMW Hydrogen 7 car. The video is 3 minutes and 18 seconds in length.
Screenshot for Board Game Piece Challenge - It's  Game Time
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a mathematics activity designed for seventh graders. In this activity, "students use different measurement tools and create procedures to determine the dimensions of a set of 3-D printed geometric solids." Following that, they "...
Screenshot for Bode Servo Analysis
This site includes an interactive Java applet for control systems. Users may drag open-loop corner frequencies with the mouse to improve tracking performance and reject sensor noise in a unity-feedback system.
Screenshot for Body Shaping Tools & Review (Part 6 of 20)
This video, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, was recorded at the Guitar Build Institute held at Aptos Middle School in San Francisco, California in 2018. In the video Steve Brown introduces hand and power tools used to shape wooden guitar bodies. Tools introduced include: an angle grinder,...
Screenshot for Bourdon Tube Gauge
This animation, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), shows how a Bourdon Tube Gauge measures a vacuum. An .mp4 file is also available for viewing and runs 00:00:32 in length. 
Screenshot for Boyle's Law
This interactive presentation, created by Terry Bartelt and hosted by the Electromechanical Digital Library, discusses the history and theory of Boyle's Law. The presentation offers two different variations of the concept. The first involves "a change in pressure exerted on a given quantity of gas...
In this video by Bio-Link, a Bridge to Biotech graduate talks about his experience in the program. Kiel Copeland was searching for a career change and wanted to find an industry that was in demand in the area. Copeland was introduced to Bridge to Biotech. This video runs 2:18 minutes in length.
In this video by Bio-Link, Carin Zimmerman gives an overview of the Bridge to Biotech Program at the City College of San Francisco. This program was designed for people who do not have a background in math or science and are interested in a biotech career. Zimmerman discusses class requirements,...
In this video by Bio-Link, language instructor Rob Yung talks about his experience teaching in the Bridge to Biotech Program at the City College of San Francisco. Yung teaches students how to talk like a scientist, to use the vocabulary, and to understand the language. The biotech language class has...
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