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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Dual Credit HS DNA Sequencing and Internships in Protein Biomanufacturing
This resource, published by InnovATEBIO, features two presentations: one that explains the Dual Credit High School-Community College DNA Sequencing and Genomics Project at Austin Community College, followed by one on the development of a training program for protein biomanufacturing at Los Angeles...
This resource, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), is a cut-away animation of a pneumatic dual rod cylinder. The objective of this resource is to show how the dual rod cylinder works. An .mp4 is also included and runs 01:00 minute in length. 
Screenshot for Dynamic Control of Building Load for Emissions Reductions
This video from the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) National Center is part of the center's 2023 Annual Institute. In the video, Henry Richardson talks about WattTime, how the electric grid works, how load flexibility in buildings can play a role in decarbonization, and...
Screenshot for E-Waste Recycling
This video is provided by Missoula College and shows energy practicum students precipitating gold out of solution as part of a method of reusing gold that had been removed from electronic waste. The video runs 05:02 minutes in length and features students discussing various aspects of the chemistry...
Two sequencing techniques were developed independently in the 1970s. The method developed by Fred Sanger used chemically altered 'dideoxy' bases to terminate newly synthesized DNA fragments at specific bases (either A, C, T, or G). These fragments are then size-separated, and the DNA sequence can be...
Screenshot for Earning College Credit in High School
ATETV continues to produce excellent web-based videos spotlighting advanced technical careers and educational programs. This video, part of the From High School to College series, shows how high school students can earn college credits and chart a seamless pathway to college through dual enrollment...
Screenshot for Earthquake Challenge: Shake and Break
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a science and data visualization activity designed for sixth graders. In this activity, students plot spatial and temporal earthquake data to make recommendations on where to build a new cell phone manufacturing plant in Northern...
Screenshot for Ecoblock: A New Model for Multi-Customer Microgrids With Alexandra von Meier and Therese Peffer
This presentation, from the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center, is from the BEST Center's 2022 Annual Institute. Presenters Alexandra von Meier and Therese Peffer discuss the Ecoblock project, which aims to combine energy efficiency with a 100% solar microgrid at the...
Screenshot for Educational Delivery Models in Correctional Institutions
This video from the National Convergence Technology Center explores the courses and programs offered by Sinclair Community College's Advanced Job Training program for prisons throughout Ohio. In the video, Kyle Jones and Ryan Murphy discuss the challenges and benefits of providing educational...
Screenshot for Educational Technology Careers
This video created by Alice Hartzog includes a description of some educational technology careers. The video explores the outlook for the field and includes a power point-like presentation with information on careers in the field. Running time: 4:09.
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