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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Efficient and Sustainable Tools to Reach Wine Stability
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America provides information about wine stability. During the video, presenter Elifantine Chauffour discusses "the enological tools available for wine stabilization including microbial, protein, tartrate, aroma, and color stability." The webinar focuses on "...
This video, from the Rubbermaid company, demonstrates a plunger which never gets wet. The plunger uses a nanotech coating to stay clean and dry. The video demonstration will help to facilitate discussion about the everyday applications of nanotechnology as well as how this plunger works. Running...
Screenshot for Electric Pencil Sharpener: Process Planning
In this animated and interactive object, students view photos of an electric pencil sharpener as it is disassembled. The learning object is intended to prepare students to be able to identify the components and create an assembly process in a future activity.
Screenshot for Electrical PPE Mini Sim
This collection from Excelsior College includes video recordings that take users through three electrical personal protective equipment (PPE) simulations. The first simulation is a situation that involves "a pump powered by a single-phase 230 volts [that] has ceased operating." The second simulation ...
In this animated and interactive object, students read an introduction to electrical quantities, units, and symbols and test their knowledge in a matching exercise.
Screenshot for Electricity, Magnets & Circuits
The University of Colorado's simulation and animation website features a number of simulations related to Electricity, Magnets, and Circuits. Topics covered by the many available simulations include balloons and static electricity, magnets and electromagnets, Faraday's Law, radio waves &...
Screenshot for Electromechanical Engineering; A High-Tech Career Change; High School Engineers
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV examines the work of an electromechanical engineer, profiles student Susan Clark as she pursues a high-tech career, and high school students earning college credit by taking...
Screenshot for Electron Moving Through Lattice Animation
This 3-D color animation is conceptual visualization of bird's–eye view of electron moving through a lattice experiencing different forces. The video shows movement through the crystal structure lattice and is under 5 seconds in length. 
Screenshot for Electronic WorkBench: The Bode Plotter
Electronic WorkBench has a virtual instrument called "The Bode Plotter." In this animated and interactive object, students view the proper set-up and use of this device.
This is a free, 9:55 minute video posted on Teacher Tube about Electronics.  It specifically addresses simple circuits. It covers an introduction to basic electronics such as Ohms Law, Kirchoff's Law, simple circuits, series and parallel circuits. 
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