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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for From the Farm to the Server Farm
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, information and communication technologies and precision agriculture technology are discussed. Students in information and communications technologies prepare for a variety of...
This resource, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), is an animation of a finished wafer to packaged integrated circuits. The objective of this resource is to describe the wafer to packaged device process steps. An .mp4 is also included and runs 01:23 minutes in length. 
Screenshot for Fun with Sodium Acetate
This short YouTube video, created as part of a school science project, demonstrates how to make a supersaturated solution using sodium acetate. It also illustrates an exothermic reaction or the heat of crystallization shown when the solution is touched.
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, introduces the B&K Precision 4010A function generator. The instructor shows how to "use the function generator to produce sinusoidal voltage with a desired magnitude and frequency." The recording runs 4:44 minutes in length and part two is...
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, introduces the B&K Precision 4010A function generator. The instructor shows how to "use the function generator to produce sinusoidal voltage with a desired magnitude and frequency." The recording runs 4:19 minutes in length and part one is...
Screenshot for FUNctions in C++ | The Concept (Video 17 of 23)
This video, published by Sinclair Community College, is part of the video series Complex Concepts, Simply Put. This series explores programming concepts to augment the training of prospective IT technicians. In the video, viewers learn about functions in C++. The video discusses scope, basic...
Screenshot for Fundamentals of Light and Lasers: Building an Inexpensive Spectometer
This lab activity, presented by John Chamberlain, demonstrates the use of an inexpensive spectrometer. The four-minute shows the process of examining the wavelengths of light from three different sources: incandescent, florescent, and neon lights. Questions for students about the spectrum are...
Screenshot for Fundamentals of Light and Lasers: Care and Cleaning of High Grade Optical Components
This lab activity, presented by John Chamberlain and an assistant, covers the proper care and cleaning of high grade optical lenses. The 5-minute video introduces the parts of an optical cleaning kit, including compressed air, brushes, and solution, and their use before demonstrating the cleaning...
Screenshot for Fundamentals of Light and Lasers: Determining the Wavelength of Red Light
This lab activity, presented by John Chamberlain, covers the process of determining the wavelength using diffraction grating. In this 5-and-a-half-minute video, Chamberlain demonstrates the use of a red laser light, a ruler, a stand, and the diffraction grating to measure diffraction lengths and...
Screenshot for Fundamentals of Light and Lasers: Diffraction
This lecture, presented by Dr. Chrys Panayiotou, covers the basics of diffraction as it relates to the fundamentals of light and lasers. First, Panayiotou defines diffraction (which is the phenomenon caused by interference between waves coming from secondary coherent sources located on the same...
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