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Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: What the Heck is a Decibel?
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon talk about what a decibel is, what they are used to measure, and the idea behind power loss, and how to...
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, the hosts discuss an article published by librarians Troy Swanson and Jeremy Green in the Journal of Academic Librarianship....
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: Wikileaks Update with Sam Bowne
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, guest Sam Bowne from the City College of San Francisco gives a brief description of the Wikileaks controversy. The running...
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this audio podcast, Gordon and Mike discuss wireless network security and an exploitable hole in WPA (WiFi Protected Access), a popular...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: WTCC Social Media Radio Interview
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike, Gordon and guest Setta McCabe from WTCC 90.7 FM discuss social media use on her weekly radio show. Blogging, Twitter,...
Screenshot for GUAS 2731 UAS 101 - Fundamentals of UAS
Course Description: This course, developed by the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technology Education Consortium (UASTEC) at Del Mar College, covers the fundamentals of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). "This foundation course will apply fundamental Geographic Information Science (GISC) theories,...
This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses high-impact and low cost evaluation for small projects. For this webinar, EvaluATE and Mentor-Connect teamed up to provide guidance on evaluation to current and prospective recipients of...
Screenshot for How to Develop and Market a Career Development Course to Recruit Women in Technology Related Classes
This archived webinar was presented by Geri Hertel. Geri will lead you through the step-by-step process of creating a Women in Technology class. She also includes a sample curriculum that you may use as a model for constructing a course like this. Java is required to access the webinar.
This webinar recording and slides, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses evaluation tools needed to measure enrollment and retention of women in STEM programs. The webinar covers the following topics: why gathering gender data is critical,...
Screenshot for How'd You Think of That? with Temple Grandin  Nalini Nadkarni and Temple Grandin (S1, Ep. 2)
This podcast is hosted by Temple Gardin and is provided by the STEM Action Center. This podcast features STEM professionals discussing their work and the benefits of a multifaceted approach to STEM education. During episode two, Gardin talks with Nalini Nadkarni,  an ecologist who studies rainforest...
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