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Screenshot for NOAA's Maritime Heritage Program
NOAA's Maritime Heritage Program's mission is to protect, promote and explore our maritime heritage through a national program embracing heritage resources in our evolving coastal, marine and Great Lakes stewardship. The site contains expedition information, research topics, links to additional...
Screenshot for NOAA's Office of Coast Survey
In 1807, President Thomas Jefferson established the Survey of the Coast in order to support safe transportation through the United States' waters. Today, the Office of Coast Survey is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Ocean Service. Their mission is to...
Screenshot for Nondestructive Testing Education and Evaluation Eduction
This NDT Resource Center provides educational materials intended primarily for college students. The materials are intended to to aid in conceptual learning, to re-enforce materials provided at the student's school, and to serve as reference materials and working tools. Resource topics include...
Screenshot for Nonpoint Source Kids Page
This website is provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and includes resources for students and educators about Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution. Sections of this website include NPS Pollution Activities for Students, Other Resources Specific to NPS Pollution, and Additional...
This website, provided by the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG), features educational resources and a blog related to sustainable agriculture. NESAWG works to create a more sustainable and secure regional food system -- one that is economically viable, environmentally sound...
The Novartis Foundation works to shape development policy and cooperation in order to achieve a sustainable improvement in the quality of life of poor people in developing countries and a reduction in poverty and social inequities. The website contains a link to the Publications connected to their...
Screenshot for NW Energy Coalition Homepage
This webpage contains information about the NW Energy Coalition.  The Coalition is "an alliance of environmental, civic, and human service organizations, progressive utilities and businesses in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and British Columbia." Its work focuses on renewable resources...
Screenshot for O*NET OnLine
O*NET, the Occupational Information Network, is a comprehensive database of worker attributes and job characteristics. The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities, and interests associated with occupations. Information in O*NET is available for over 950...
Screenshot for Ohio Oil & Gas Energy Education Program: Curriculum & Labs
This webpage from the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program will assist classes learning about natural gas, crude oil and fuel production. The page is divided into six sections, focusing on formation, migration, exploration, drilling and production, refinement and finally, end products. Each...
This website, managed by the National Association for Geoscience Teachers, provides professional development resources for undergraduate geoscience educators. Under "Develop Program-Wide Abilities," educators will find information on teaching complex systems, facilitating undergraduate research, and...
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