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Instructional Material -- Instructor Guide/Manual


Screenshot for Additive Manufactured Polymers in Bending Stress
This document highlights a learning module that explores additive manufactured polymers. Through the module, students create polymer materials, make a test matrix, and conduct an experiment to explore bending stress. Lab software and equipment requirements, instructor notes, the experiment's...
This classroom module will give students "an overview of the materials used in Additive Manufacturing printers, including the properties, process, Strength, production time, uses, post processing requirements and relative cost for use." At the end of the lesson, students will have a general...
This classroom module will give students "an introduction to Additive Manufacturing Terminology used in manufacturing and in the classroom." The lesson focuses on orienting students to the standard ASTM International terminology used in additive manufacturing and explore the basic processes used in...
This classroom module will give students "an introduction to the terminology used when using the coordinate system and testing methodologies for additive manufacturing." The lesson focuses on orienting students to the Cartesian coordinate system, including x, y, and z coordinates, and the standard...
Screenshot for Adhesives Activities
Description: This collection of learning resources, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, are activities on adhesives. Topics covered include: the history of glue, types of glue, chemistry of adhesives, strengths of different glues, applications of adhesives in guitar construction, and...
Screenshot for Aerogels
Module Description: This module was created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link) and introduces students to aerogels. "In this module, students will learn about aerogels and some of the nanoscale phenomena that give aerogels their remarkable properties." Science and nanoscience...
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, uses an EasyBake oven and edible materials as a means to interest younger students in nanotechnology. The creation of a 'wafer' in the EasyBake oven simulates concepts in chip fabrication for electronic devices, such as...
Screenshot for An Evaluation of Media Coverage of Wildfire Issues
Module Description: The Fire Ecology and Management Series is provided by the Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources and includes six modules. This series “is designed to address both the general role of fire in ecosystems as well as specific wildfire management issues in forest ecosystems.” The...
Learning Unit Description: The Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT) presents a series of Learning Units (LU) designed to incorporate federal land remote sensing data into Geographic Information System (GIS) instruction. The Analyzing Crop Development Patterns in...
In this lesson from the MAPS GIS program at Lane Community College, students will describe global spatial patterns of human development using HDI rankings. Students will complete a table of demographic data on selected countries so they can look for connections. Students will use that information to...
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