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Screenshot for Paper Clip Experiment: Properties and Failure
This lesson plan introduces students to the properties of metals using the example of a paper clip. A paper clip will fail after being bent many times, illustrating the concept of "fatigue." The fatigue properties of different materials will be compared and observed. The main goal of the lesson is...
Screenshot for Partial Products Algorithm for Multiplication (Lesson 6 of 18)
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides an opportunity for students to further explore multiplication though learning about the concept of distributive property. In this lesson, students will work in pairs to draw out multiplication...
This page from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources provides a number of classroom resources on topics like rocks, minerals, fossils, general geology, glaciers, earthquakes, historic geology and more. Clicking on a topic area will lead users to a webpage with resources...
Screenshot for Percents (Lesson 7 of 9)
Lesson Description: This lesson is the seventh of nine lessons from the Vocational Math: Contextualized for Construction course that was taught at Madison Area Technical College. During this lesson, students work in groups followed by whole-class discussion to solve percent problems involving...
Screenshot for Performance Assessment Links in Science
This resource, from SRI International, is an on-line, standards-based, resource bank of science performance assessment tasks indexed via the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and various other standards frameworks. The resources are "collected from numerous sources, include student...
This lab activity from the Biotechnology Alliance for Suncoast Biology Educators (BASBE) demonstrates the concept of pH. It has an activity that allows students to evaluate the effectiveness of antacid tablets including developing a testable hypothesis. The lesson includes background information on...
Screenshot for Phase Change Experiment: Nitinol and Bobby Pins
This experiment will demonstrate the effects of changes in the crystal structure of metals, particularly in high carbon steels and in the shape memory alloy Nitinol. Students will learn the effects of phase changes on shape in Nitinol and crystal structure changes on metal properties. They will also...
Screenshot for Piezoelectricity Demo
This lesson plan from the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry explores the history of piezoelectricity, with hands-on examples of how it’s used, models of why it happens, and how it is applied in nanotechnology. Pressing on the piezoelectric buzzer in the background causes a current to flow and...
Screenshot for Place Value Using Base Ten Blocks (Lesson 1 of 18)
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is an exploration done with base-ten blocks. In this activity, students are paired up and work with base-ten blocks to show that the four digits of a four-digit natural number represents amounts of...
In this lab activity from the Biotechnology Alliance for Suncoast Biology Educators (BASBE), students will use a compound microscope to examine a few simple plant and animal tissues and explore the idea of different cell types that specialize in their form and function. Students then submit a set of...
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