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Screenshot for Introduction to the ArcGIS Server Adobe FLEX API
The ArcGIS API for Flex allows the creation of Rich Internet applications on top of ArcGIS Server. "The term Rich Internet Applications or RIAs has become synonymous with Web 2.0 applications. But what are Rich Internet Applications? RIAs provide desktop functionality in a web application." This...
Screenshot for ITA-9 Systems Thinking
This video from SpaceTEC National Aerospace Technical Education Center explains the General Systems Model and how consider the entire system when performing aerospace work. This three and a half minute video is part of the aerospace certification readiness courses.
This PDF document, provided by the Ohio Region Cybersecurity Technician Training Pipeline at Columbus State Community College, is a job skills analysis of the cybersecurity workforce.  The document lists the various roles that these professionals play and provides the corresponding technology skills...
This page from Laser-Tec, the Laser and Fiber Optics Regional Center, details professional development opportunities for educators to incorporate lasers and fiber optics into their curricula. The page explains how "a course in lasers can be added to revive any electronics, engineering technology,...
This website, from the Lean Enterprise Institute, provides a variety of information about lean principles, including its application in the manufacturing sector. The site includes information about workshops and other educational opportunities from the organization, and a 'Knowledge Center' with...
Screenshot for Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
In its mission to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly farm techniques, the Leopold Center sponsors a variety of research and educational projects related to marketing and food systems, ecology, and policy. Initiatives include alternative swine production systems/agroecology, animal...
Students are required to compare various alternative fuels and evaluate advantages and disadvantages using graphical representations of fuel and energy data. "This activity asks students to begin to consider the life cycle energy and carbon dioxide emission costs of gasoline, corn ethanol, and...
Screenshot for Lurie Nanofabrication Facility
The Michigan Nanofabrication Facility (MNF) at the University of Michigan Solid-State Electronics Laboratory (SSEL) is one of the leading centers worldwide on micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) and microsystems. It provides facilities and processes for the integration of Si integrated circuits...
Screenshot for Making A Mark in Engineering and Energy Technologies
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, electrical engineering, emerging energy technologies and fuel cell technologies are discussed. Such ATE technical programs, available at community colleges, offer students a...
Screenshot for Making Math and Science Skills Pay Off
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, laser and photonics technology, geospatial technology and alternative energy technologies are discussed. A strong background in math and science gives students an advantage in...
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