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Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
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ATETV continues to produce excellent web-based videos spotlighting advanced technical careers and educational programs. This video, part of the From High School to College series, focuses on a project that helps students develop confidence and learn what it takes to succeed in a college environment....
This 15-page article, published by Frontiers in Psychology, discusses a study on women STEM college students. This study "explored the relationship between the intent to transfer upward and a set of motivational, contextual, and socio-demographic background factors among 696 female students...
This 3-page report, written by Nora Newcombe, looks at the importance of spatial reasoning. The author makes the argument that education in the United States should focus more heavily on improving student spatial skills, as these skills are widely applicable, particularly in respect to the STEM...
This resource, published in the Experimental Techniques journal, describes an experiment related to the Helmholz resonator. "The Helmholz resonator is perhaps the simplest acoustic resonant system. The ideal Helmholz resonator consists of an air volume enclosed with rigid walls and vented through a...
This video from the National Convergence Technology Center explores the development of free curriculum on 5G skills and concepts. Gordon Snyder highlights the content that this curriculum explores, which includes information on the development of 5G from 3G and 4G, fixed wireless access (FWA),...
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV features the work of a demonstration engineer for Cisco Systems. This dynamic career is explained well here. Students with an interest in new technology and communications should...
This report from Wayne Welch of the University of Minnesota looks at the sustainability of the Advanced Technological Education Program by building on a previous survey administered to ATE Projects and Centers in 2009. As the paper states: "A survey implemented by the Evaluation Center at Western...
This website on electronics is set up to explain electronics and how they work. The lessons are free and give basic information for the beginner. ThisĀ guide answers some of the most common questions about electronics: What are a.c. and d.c.? What is Ohm's Law? What is the difference between current...
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this lesson plan for students learning about polymers. The class will create a material similar to silly putty using cross linking polymers. The module will allow students to observe the changes in physical properties when a...
In this video adapted from the ICT Center, students will learn about "the angles associated with light propagation in optical fibers." The video also demonstrates the meaning of total internal reflection, acceptance angle and numerical aperture. The material is intended for students in grades 11-12....
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