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Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)


This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, examines "balanced 4 and 3 wire Y configurations in 3 phase AC systems." The recording runs 19:19 minutes in length and part one is available to view separately.
Screenshot for Band Combination using Landsat Imagery (12 of 20)
This tutorial, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 30 tutorial videos that cover remotely sensed data in ArcMap 10.x versions. "This tutorial covers band display combinations of Landsat Imagery." This video runs 03:49 minutes in length. The other videos in the series...
Screenshot for Band Combinations
This video, from the Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT), introduces band combinations for Landsat imagery. The presentation gives an overview of reflected light as perceived by the eye and by censors, and how representing wavelength rages with various bands...
Screenshot for Band Combinations for Landsat 8 Imagery (Chapter 16 of 25)
This video, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 28 tutorial videos on remote sensing with ArcGIS Pro. This tutorial "illustrate[s] creating band combinations and interpreting and comparing different band combinations..." Presets and symbology are both demonstrated. This...
This 194-page 2016 report, edited by Shirley Malcom and Michael Feder, investigates barriers and opportunities faced by students pursuing STEM degrees at 2-year and 4-year institutions. This consensus report was compiled by a number of contributors including the Committee on Barriers and...
This slide deck, published by National Academies (U.S.), discusses a report on barriers that students face when completing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) degrees. Also discussed are opportunities in development that are intended to aid degree completion in these fields. The...
This 12-page document is provided by AgrowKnowledge and includes an overview of a Basic Agricultural Science and Technology course in an Agriculture program. This course is intended to be "an introduction or support course for the Agriscience Pathway Program of Study. This course introduces the...
A portion of the Partnership for Plant Genomics Education, hosted by the University of California-Davis, this PDF presents a student activity where students will use agarose gel electrophoresis to separate several different dyes. The lab is described as a “precursor to DNA separations” and thus...
Micropipets are used in almost all biotechnology experiments. These precise instruments allow for the dispensing of extremely small volumes. This laboratory exercise will teach students to learn how to operate a micropipet, understand measuring volumes in microliters, and convert metric volumes....
Restriction mapping is a cornerstone of modern-day biotechnology. During this three-day exercise, students will digest samples of DNA with three different restriction enzymes. The DNA samples will be electrophoresed and the resulting fragments photographed under and ultraviolet transilluminator....
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