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Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)


This slide deck was presented on May 18, 2017 as part of a National Academy of Sciences conference on building America's skilled technical workforce. This presentation discussed the challenges to improving education and skills training. Multiple challenges are discussed, including the many actors...
The focus of this presentation is the nation's aerospace technician workforce and the transformation needed to meet the aerospace industry's requirements for the global aerospace marketplace of the 21st century.
Screenshot for Change Detection Using Landsat Imagery (17 of 20)
This tutorial, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 30 videos that cover remotely sensed data in ArcMap 10.x versions. This "tutorial covers change detection using Landsat Imagery." Visual change detection and calculating differences between images are demonstrated in...
Screenshot for Change Detection Using Landsat Imagery (Chapter 20 of 25)
This video, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 28 tutorial videos on remote sensing with ArcGIS Pro. This tutorial "... uses ArcGIS Pro version 2.3.3 and two Landsat 8 images to illustrate pre-classification techniques for detecting changes in landscape and shoreline...
Screenshot for Changing Conductive Properties by Diffusion
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of semiconductor manufacturing. Students will learn how scientist "take advantage of diffusion to 'dope' or introduce atoms into a silicon wafer to change its conductive properties." The lesson simulates...
In this lesson designed for professional development, learn about rapidly emerging fields in advanced technology that your students may find of interest when considering a career. You will watch videos, explore interactive activities, and answer content-related questions to gain insights into the...
This downloadable publication from the National Academies Press concerns the public understanding of the field of engineering and ways to attract young people to the profession. The report offers tested messages that reposition engineering as a satisfying profession that involves creative ideas and...
Screenshot for Charging Forward Webinar: Renewable Energy Education Amidst the COVID-19
In this webinar, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education, presenters discuss the renewable energy workforce, impacts of COVID-19, and future career opportunities in clean energy. Presenters include Ken Walz, Director of the Renewable Energy Program at Madison...
Screenshot for Charles's Law
This interactive presentation, created by Terry Bartelt and hosted by the Electromechanical Digital Library, discusses the history and theory of Charles's Law, which states, "the volume of a given quantity of gas varies directly with its temperature." A series of interactive flash animations show...
Screenshot for ChatGPT in the Classroom
As part of the National CTC's February 2023 quarterly Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) meeting with IT employers, George Gabb from Miami Dade College provides a lengthy discussion on ChatGPT, the advanced natural language processing AI model developed by OpenAI that uses deep learning...
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