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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)


This PowerPoint presentation, made available by Clark State Community College, provides an overview of precision agriculture as well as programs and grants at Clark State Community College in the precision agriculture field. Topics covered include: Managing Assets by the in^2, Managing "Uniqueness",...
Screenshot for Class 2 Levers: Force Input Angles
This interactive presentation, created by James Bourassa and John Rosz, explains how the input of force reacts with lever systems. The authors address the physics behind levers, and how when proper angles are used in design the effective force increases greatly. The format of the lesson is similar...
Learning Unit Description: The Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT) presents a series of Learning Units (LU) designed to incorporate federal land remote sensing data into Geographic Information System (GIS) instruction. The Classifying Wildfires in Southwestern...
This site provides information on various classroom assessment techniques (CATs) such as primary trait analysis, using anonymous assessments, goal ranking and matching, self assessment, active learning, transfer and applied learning, and group work assessment.
This webpage, produced by the Environmental Protection Agency, provides information about the agency's Acid Rain Program (ARP).  The page is divided into four sections: Overview, Sulfur Dioxide Reductions, Nitrogen Oxide Reductions, and Applicability Determinations.  Links for additional information...
Screenshot for Cleanup!: A Hazardous Waste Cleanup Design Exercise
Cleanup! is an educational software package that allows students to learn about hazardous waste site characterization and remediation. The software models a contamination scenario that students can experiment with and find solutions to the contamination problem.
This checklist, created by the Centers for Disease Control's National Center for Environmental Health, was developed to guide users in creating clear, concise, and organized writing. This checklist is intended to aid users in structuring and organizing documents properly. The checklist also offers...
Screenshot for Climate of Change: Interactions and Feedbacks between Water, Air and Ice
In this two to three week module from InTeGrate, Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth for a Sustainable Future, "students explore short-term climate variability resulting from atmosphere-ocean-ice interactions." Units in the module are Forecasting Climate Change Variability and Change, Deciphering...
Screenshot for Clinical Laboratory Techniques and MEMS Learning Module
Module Description:  This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides participants with "an overview of how microtechnology is used for standard clinical laboratory tests". The module presents information for participants to learn about "the testing that takes place in a...
Screenshot for Clones, Carbon, and Climate Change: The Epigenetics of Oil Production
In this video from InnovATEBIO, Robert Martienssen explores oil production in plants and the broad introduction of high-performing palm clones that promise to reduce the land needed to meet world requirements for palm oil. Epigenetics and clones are a major component of this presentation. The...
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