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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)


Screenshot for Collecting Insects Guide
This article, written by Tiffany Heng-Moss and David L. Keith, provides information on collecting, preserving, and displaying insects. The following sections are included: Where and How to Collect Insects, The Killing Jar, Insect Collecting Equipment, Using the Relaxing Jar, Using a Collecting Net,...
Screenshot for Collective Inquiry and Knowledge Building
This page, from the The Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), offers information on technology designs for collective inquiry and their application in the classroom in order to help students "participate in a classroom community that builds knowledge and develops shared...
This web page is provided by West Texas A & M University and contains 59 pre-algebra and algebra tutorials. Topics include How to Succeed in a Math Class, Integer Exponents, Radicals, Polynomials, Simplifying Rational Expressions, Linear Equation in One Variable, Quadratic Equations, Absolute Value...
Screenshot for College Algebra: Logarithms
This lesson, provided by the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has students find patterns in common log and natural log calculations and use those patterns to develop log properties. Students also calculate exponential functions with given values of x and graph...
This paper, by Anthony Petrosino of the University of Texas at Austin, provides "a framework for thinking about the use of models and model-based curriculum in K-12 settings." Teaching with mathematical models for space and geometry, data, measure, and probability and uncertainty are all discussed.
This website from the U.S. Department of Energy features information on the organization's Commercial Building Initiative. The initiative's mission is "to accelerate the uptake of energy efficiency technologies and techniques in both existing and new commercial buildings" and therefore "reduce...
The Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011, aimed to describe research on assessment of 21st century skills to inform policies and practices. The workshop was lea by an expert in assessment and convened an expert committee of educational measurement specialists,...
The Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011, aimed to describe research on assessment of 21st century skills to inform policies and practices. The workshop was lea by an expert in assessment and convened an expert committee of educational measurement specialists,...
Screenshot for Communicate with Employees
This tip sheet, provided by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is from the ACE It! series on acing conversations with potential employers by knowing how to advocate for students, inform the employer how to effectively communicate with employees with disabilities, and educate the...
Screenshot for Communicating with Today's Generation
These presentation slides, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), describe strategies that educators can use to communicate effectively with students that have grown up around technology. In this presentation, based on the book Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for...
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