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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


This article is the second in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses developing models for programs that are more general...
This article is the third in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses how a high-level language program is translated into...
This article is the fourth in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses generating code for procedures. 
This article is the fifth in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses register allocation and schedule, two important aspects...
This article is the sixth in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses "how to analyze programs to estimate their run times. We...
This article is the seventh in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses a program trace, "the record of the execution path of a...
This article is the eighth in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses optimizing a program's energy consumption. 
This is the last article in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses software testing. 
Screenshot for The Bright Light on the Horizon: How We Start Narrowing the Cybersecurity Skills Gap Now for the Post-Covid 19 Future
This webinar from the National CyberWatch Center is part of a series of webinars on cybersecurity. In the webinar, cybersecurity technology training and hiring professionals explore cybersecurity's role in economic recovery post-pandemic, and cybersecurity education and hiring. Amy Kardel introduces...
This lecture from the iBioSeminars project is presented by J. Michael Bishop of the University of California, San Francisco. It presents how the sequencing of cancer genomes will advance the study and management of cancer on various fronts, including the discovery of causes, the improvement of early...
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