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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


Jointly funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), this Workshop of Assessment of 21st Century Skills was held in 2011 and was designed to address the following questions: • How can 21st century skills be assessed? • What assessments of these skills...
Jointly funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), this Workshop of Assessment of 21st Century Skills was held in January of 2011 and was designed to address the following questions: How can 21st century skills be assessed? What assessments of these...
Screenshot for World Energy Council
The World Energy Council (WEC) promotes the sustainable supply and use of energy through the publication of papers, reports and studies pertaining to all types of energy. The various energy types covered in these resources includes coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, and renewable. Speeches and...
Screenshot for Yildiz CAS Marine: Technical Report
This 25-page report, published by Yıldız Technical University, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Yildiz CAS Marine team for the Telepresence Explorer Class of the 2022 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that...
This presentation, by Stephen Fiore of the University of Central Florida, was given during the second Workshop of Assessment of 21st Century Skills was held in May, 2011. In it, Fiore discusses different definitions of interpersonal skills, and they are assessed, what is missing from the current...
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