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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


This website offers interactive tutorials, videos and instructional activities designed to help students explore how researchers use bioinformatic tools and biological data to make new discoveries. Tutorials include DNA Barcoding, Exploring how plants respond to drought using Microarrays, an...
This is a website with many learning objects on Direct Current Electronics with lessons in areas including: Electrical Circuit and Components, Ohm's Law, Magnetism, Parallel Circuits, Series Circuits, and more.
Screenshot for Directions Media's YouTube Channel
This YouTube channel from Directions Media includes educational videos related to geospatial technology. Directions Media is the leading source of information, news and commentary in the fields of geospatial and location-based technologies. They keep readers informed with news and technology issues...
In this activity, developed by the Lane Community College MAPS GIS Program, students "use logical connectors in searching a database to understand how quickly the search narrows by adding connectors. They will translate a search in to logic notation and sketch a digital circuit. Finally, they will...
Screenshot for Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Properties
This website includes a Java applet that displays the effect that various operations on an N-periodic, discrete-time signal (e.g. time shift, time scale, filtering) have on the signal and its spectra. Sketch the signal or magnitude and phase spectra with the mouse, and then select the operation.
Screenshot for Discussion and Questions About Credentialing and Careers
This video, published by InnovATEBIO, provides a discussion between educators on credentialing and biotechnology education. Topics explored include the Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE), Covid-19, biotechnology programs, and more. The video recording runs 18:41 minutes in length.
Screenshot for Diversity in Clean Energy
This report, published by E2, highlights the need for better diversity in clean energy industries in the United States. Findings demonstrate that four out of ten racial and ethnic minority groups are represented in the clean energy workforce, black workers comprise eight percent of the clean energy...
This animation from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's Dolan DNA Learning Center presents DNA arrays. The animation contains information on Pat Brown's discovery and the purpose of DNA arrays to study gene expression as well as its role in the development of pharmacogenomic treatment for diseases such...
Screenshot for DNA Automation with Nano-Structured Ceramics
In this video from the NACK Center, Mario Blanco explores fully synthetic oligonucleotides and how the use of nano-structured ceramic films enables the synthesis of hundreds of DNA genes in gram quantities overnight. Furthermore, Blanco describes how these nano-structured ceramics can be...
The discovery of enzymes that could cut and paste DNA made genetic engineering possible. Restriction enzymes, found naturally in bacteria, can be used to cut DNA fragment at specific sequences, while another enzyme, DNA ligase, can attach or rejoin DNA fragments with complementary ends. This...
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