Browse Resources

Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


Screenshot for EE214 FPGA Course
This is a series of laboratory modules and exercises designed to teach an introduction to digital logic course. It was created by Clint Cole (owner of Digilent He has given permission to use it for educational purposes.
Screenshot for Effective Mentoring Relationships
This 2-page document, adapted from the Minnesota State Executive Development Program, explores mentoring best practices for educators. The document defines successful mentoring, explores the benefits of mentoring for mentors, highlights mentoring experience recommendations, describes possible...
Screenshot for Electricity Transmission FAQs
This Electricity FAQ page from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding electricity consumption in the United States. Questions range from "Can customers choose their electricity supplier?" to "Does EIA have maps or information on the...
This webpage, from Texas Instruments, contains a wealth of information on the company's Electrocardiogram Solution. The site includes design considerations, white papers, and application notes for the design and building of an ECG (EKG) system. The interactive diagram of an ECG device might be of...
Screenshot for Electromagnetic Radiation
This is an interactive Java tutorial, created by Michael W. Davidson of Florida State University, covering the principles of electromangentic wave theory. The user is able to adjust variables such as amplitute and wavelength and observe immediately the effects on the animated screen.
Screenshot for Electromagnetics and Applications
This is a course description for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 6.013, Electromagnetics and Applications.  The course explores electromagnetic phenomena in modern applications, such as: wireless communications, circuits, computer interconnects and peripherals, optical fiber...
Screenshot for Electron Moving Through Lattice Animation
This 3-D color animation is conceptual visualization of bird's–eye view of electron moving through a lattice experiencing different forces. The video shows movement through the crystal structure lattice and is under 5 seconds in length. 
This online magazine features electronic designs and innovations. The site features a number of articles on electronic design related topics. The main sections of this website are Automotive, Industrial Automation, Analog, Power, Embedded Revolution, Test and Measurement, Resources, and Experts. 
Screenshot for Electronic Materials
This full course in Electronic Materials is offered by Professor Helmut Föll of the University of Kiel in Germany. The course covers in detail the following topics: conductors, dialectrics, magnetics, semiconductor devices, and semiconductor manufacturing process. This resource is intended to...
This resource provides an introductory activity on electrons in atoms and molecules. Core concepts include the formation of atoms, chemical bonding, chemical polarity and atoms in electric fields. The interactive module allows students to test their knowledge as they learn. The material would be...
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