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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


Screenshot for Shodor Educational Foundation: A National Resource for Computational Science Education
There are many curriculum materials, professional development, and student enrichment activities available on this website. These resources are designed for teachers and students ranging from K-12 through higher education. Most resources are interactive and engage the students on many different...
Shoreline is highly regarded for the college's work on biotechnology skill standards. In 2000, Shoreline worked with local industry to develop a widely-used set of skill standards. These skill standards were updated in 2007, together with Shoreline's Industry Advisory Committee. The updated skill...
Created by Patrick Hoppe of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, this primer introduces the student to the key terms and concepts associated with the silicon diode. This is a nice introductory flash presentation for those interested in this topic.
This 31-minute video, one of seven in a series on semiconductors, provides a look at the thin-film deposition process. Industrial footage and animation show the chemical and physical reactions used to create the many layers of an integrated circuit. The video includes animations and close-up views...
One of seven in a series, this 37-minute video provides a look at the etching process as it is used in most production labs today. The video shows how thin films of nonconductive, semi-conductive, and conductive materials are sculpted into microchips by following the various etching processes and...
This 40-minute video on semiconductor manufacturing shows how microchips are made and how they work in electronic products. The video provides an overview of front-end manufacturing, from crystal growth through design, to the fabrication process of CMOS integrated circuits. The video includes...
Screenshot for Silicon, Circuits and the Digital Revolution
This Honors colloquium introduces first-year students to some of the science behind high technology. Designed to promote scientific and computer literacy and awareness, it gives students an opportunity to leverage their interests in everyday devices and high-tech objects into a study of fundamental...
Screenshot for Simulation Design Framework for Multiscale Multiphysics Thermo Electric and Electro Chemical Transport
In this video, provided by the Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) at the annual MNTeSIG Live! 2022 virtual conference, Auro Ashish Saha from Puducherry Technological University explores nanoHUB btesolver and dualfoil resources that enable the study of thermo electric and electro...
Screenshot for Situational & Cybersecurity Awareness for Global Public Health Researchers Webcast
This webinar from the National CyberWatch Center is part of a series of webinars on cybersecurity. In the webinar, Stan Mierzwa, director and cybersecurity lecturer at Kean University, discusses cybersecurity in the public health research sector. Mierzwa explores digital health devices, mHealth,...
Screenshot for Six Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategies
This 11-page document, provided by the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), discusses six contextual teaching and learning (CTL) strategies, including their goals, examples, and "challenges" that help instructors implement them. When conducting CTL, instructors must identify...
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