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Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional


This webpage informs users about the scholarly journal, The Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law.  The publication states that it is meant to serve the scholarly pursuits of policymakers, legislators, and the legal and academic communities.  Past issues are available for download, and users may...
Screenshot for Landsat Analysis Ready Data Webinar
This video from AmericaView explores Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD). In the video, R. Douglas Ramsey from UtahView at the Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory at Utah State University provides a general introduction to Landsat ARD and discusses data organization, data products, analysis strategies,...
This website, from the Lean Enterprise Institute, provides a variety of information about lean principles, including its application in the manufacturing sector. The site includes information about workshops and other educational opportunities from the organization, and a 'Knowledge Center' with...
This page, from the The Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), offers information on the learning sciences, a relatively new field with "influences which include cognitive science, computer science, information processing psychology, child development, anthropology, and...
Screenshot for Leveraging Assessment and Evaluation for Student Success: Working Smarter Not Harder
In this webinar from EvaluATE, participants learn how to integrate assessment into professional development to boost learning for participants and classroom students, while simultaneously generating evaluation data. A registration survey, information on rethinking assessment, examples of assessment...
Screenshot for Leveraging Data Analytics to Solve Problems
This video from Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC) is part of the Innovative Technology Speaker Series and features two presenters. In the video, Jordan Morrow explores the world of data, data literacy, and data driven decision making. Developing a data analytical mindset, data...
Screenshot for Leveraging Librarian Power: Enhancing GIS Instruction Through Co-teaching
This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, provides a panel about GIS library instruction and collaboration. The benefits of collaborating with librarians, the types of library GIS services, GIS librarian roles, and curriculum design are highlighted. Perspectives from educators and librarians...
The Center for Nanotechnology in Society (CNS) has a double purpose: "to increase reflexivity within the nanotechnology enterprise and to increase society’s capacity to engage in anticipatory governance of nanotechnology and other emerging technologies." This webpage provides a library of books and...
Screenshot for Like Driving a Car: Acquiring Quality SEM/FESEM Images in Different Situations
This video presentation provided by the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK) Center explores scanning electron microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM/FESEM) image best practices. In the video, Liu Bangzhi simplifies SEM/FESEM imaging by drawing analogies...
Screenshot for Location Intelligence Enriches Business Education
This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, provides two presentations that explore the role of location intelligence in solving business problems. Viewers learn how GIS is used in both research and instructional settings to improve decisions and meet the demand for entrepreneurs and...
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