Collaborative Project: Technology-Based Logistics: Leveraging Indiana's Role as the Crossroads of America


Indiana offers convenient access to products for two-thirds of the U.S. population. Ivy Tech and the Purdue University College of Technology (CoT) collaborate to develop a technology-based logistics program designed to meet the growing demands of Indiana's employers. Four primary objectives include: 1) informing Indiana high school and middle school students and Career and Technology Education teachers about educational and career opportunities in the field of logistics; 2) developing industry-driven logistics curricula for Ivy Tech and the CoT at Purdue University; 3) developing smooth student transfer between the Associate's degree programs in logistics at Ivy Tech and the Bachelor's degree programs at the CoT at Purdue; and 4) implementing an outreach and recruitment program to encourage Ivy Tech's Associate's degree students to continue their education through to a Bachelor's degree. The project works with industry, the ATE National Center for Supply Chain Technology Education (NCSCTE). The evaluation includes qualitative and quantitative measures of student success.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
1304619, 1304520
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
August 1st, 2013
ATE Expiration Date
July 31st, 2018
ATE Principal Investigator
Susan Ely
Primary Institution
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
Record Type
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