Logistics Engineering Technology: Collaborative Development of an Interdisciplinary Degree


This 4-page white paper outlines Columbus State Community College's effort to integrate education in supply chain management, engineering technology, and information technology. This effort was part of the National Science Foundation funded project titled Building an Academic Pathway for Industrial Engineering Operations Technicians. "The resulting Logistics Engineering Technology program addresses industry's need for educating qualified technicians by creating an interdisciplinary pathway that supports the increasingly complex technology needs of the supply chain sector." This pathway included "a pre-college initiative targeting prospective high school students, educators, and counselors; the development of a new interdisciplinary Associate of Applied Science degree and certificate; and the establishment of model articulation agreements with four-year colleges and universities."

This paper includes the following sections: Background, Growing Workforce Needed, Interdisciplinary Approach, Impacts, Lessons Learned, For More Information, and References Cited. 

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