Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Garnering Useful Instruction on Developing [Project] Effectiveness (ATE PI GUIDE)

This project is exploring a "many-to-many" peer mentorship scheme that makes explicit the tacit knowledge within the ATE project director community using a combination of in-person and electronic means. The project is actively engaging the community of experienced ATE PIs in reflecting on what guidance would have proven most helpful to them when they were starting out, and providing a persistent resource for new ATE PIs. In particular, key skills in the nuts and bolts of project management (e.g., managing people, managing funds, and managing operations), and change management (e.g., building and sustaining support among key constituencies, anticipating and adjusting to changing operational conditions, and institutionalizing the project's activities within the core operations of host units) are explored as being required for optimal implementation of complex projects. The project is developing a web site that features: (a) at least 10 short video segments of the experienced PIs discussing these two topics, (b) written case studies, and (c) a moderated electronic community of practice to build peer mentoring networks among novice and experienced PIs. It is expected that these tools will also be useful to prospective PIs and those recently declined for awards. The variety of materials to be offered on the site (text and video) can be expected to appeal to a variety of learning styles.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
August 1st, 2010
ATE Expiration Date
July 31st, 2012
ATE Principal Investigator
Elizabeth Cady
Primary Institution
National Academy of Sciences
Record Type
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