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(12 classifications) (389 resources)

Vocational Education

GEM Subject Classifications
Agriculture (20)
Allied health occupations (1)
Business (8)
Careers (143)
Cooperative education (2)
Informal education (1)
Instructional issues (253)
Process skills (3)
School-to-work (9)
Tech prep (7)
Technology (148)
Trade and industrial (49)


This 1-page resource, created by Lori Wingate of EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, is intended to assist users in identifying different groups of stakeholders in an evaluation. The worksheet helps identify stakeholders from four aspects of evaluation,...
Screenshot for Immersing in Technology Careers
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV focuses on high school programs that help students make a seamless transition into college, how new simulation and game development skills provide an opportunity for a career...
Screenshot for Impact Evaluation: Why, What, and How
This webinar, published by Western Michigan University Evaluation Center, introduces impact evaluation and how it can be implemented in ATE projects. Presented by Lyssa W. Becho and Michael Lesiecki, the video covers the basic tenets of impact evaluation, strategies for determining casual...
Screenshot for Implementing the BILT Model of Business Engagement
This 16-page resource, provided by the Center for Occupational Research and Development (U.S.), is a guide for implementing the BILT Model of Business Engagement. "The Business & Industry Leadership Team (BILT) model ... puts businesses in a co-leadership role for college technical programs so they...
This 12-page document was developed by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) in conjunction with CORD (Center for Occupational Research and Development) to provide a detailed guide to implementing the Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) model. The BILT model involves creating a...
These slides are provided by the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) and were presented at the April 1, 2016 Committee Meeting on the Supply Chain for Middle-Skill Jobs: Report Release on Online Education from MIT Researchers. This presentation was given during Panel III: Views from the Government. ...
Screenshot for Increasing Student Achievement and Completion Rates through Undergraduate Research at Two-Year Colleges
This webinar is provided by the American Association of Community Colleges and Community College Undergraduate Research Initiative and was presented on September 28, 2017. The webinar was "designed to profile undergraduate research as a high impact practice that community colleges are engaging in as...
This handout provides an overview of partnership models identified by the Working Partners Research Project. Key implementation strategies and associated impacts have been identified for the following partnership models: Advisory Board, Curricular Development/Review, Faculty Professional...
This 154-page paper was written by Andrew Reamer and is provided by the National Academy of Sciences. This paper "suggests improvements in information resources that would enable a well-functioning supply chain for middle-skill jobs, i.e., jobs that require some postsecondary education but not a...
This webpage, provided by the College & Career Readiness & Success Center (CCRS) at the American Institutes for Research, includes information and resources about the Integrating Employability Skills: A Framework for All Educators module. Resources include a facilitators guide, handouts, a workbook,...
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