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Vocational Education -- Agriculture


Screenshot for Episode 29: Technology and Education for Future Farming
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Curt Yoose, Agriculture Instructor at Ridgewater College, discusses agricultural technology and education programs....
This video, created by ATETV and presented by WGBH, takes a look at agricultural technology as a career choice. This video provides a basic overview of the field and its growing importance. In the video, several students give their opinions of an agricultural technology program, and instructors...
Screenshot for Industry Resource Map
This page, from the Viticulture and Enology Science and Technology Alliance (VESTA), offers a list of both government and private organizations that "can provide valuable assistance in establishing and expanding operations of vineyards and wineries." A map allows users to sort data by US state...
Screenshot for Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
In its mission to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly farm techniques, the Leopold Center sponsors a variety of research and educational projects related to marketing and food systems, ecology, and policy. Initiatives include alternative swine production systems/agroecology, animal...
In this video adapted from Pathways to Technology, learn how a degree in marine technology helped one student go from working at a marine farming company to becoming a partner in that company. Trevor Fay uses the GPS/GIS technology he studied in school to farm the red abalone, tracking their...
Screenshot for Microbial Management During Ageing
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America covers microbial management during ageing. This management is "fundamental for preserving wine quality and avoiding economic loss from spoilage." Microbial contamination can happen any time during the wine making process. The video discusses tools to...
Screenshot for National Ag Safety Database
This website, provided by the National Agricultural Safety defense, is a central repository of agricultural health, safety, and injury prevention materials for the agricultural community and especially for agricultural safety specialists. Resources and training materials are organized by topic.  
The National Organic Program includes information about the accreditation process, organic standards and labeling, compliance and enforcement, approved State programs and contacts, news releases and Federal Register notices, and links to publications produced by NOP. Visitors to the site will...
This website, provided by the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG), features educational resources and a blog related to sustainable agriculture. NESAWG works to create a more sustainable and secure regional food system -- one that is economically viable, environmentally sound...
Screenshot for VESTA Practicum Sites
This page, from the Viticulture and Enology Science and Technology Alliance (VESTA), offers a list of vineyards, wineries, and other organizations that offer practicums to students in the field. A map allows users to sort data by US state location, or scroll through the complete list. 
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