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Agricultural and Environmental Technologies -- Agriculture and aquaculture


Screenshot for Variable Corn Seeding Rates
In this video, provided by Ag PhD, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss varying corn planting populations on farm fields. Seeding rate can be changed depending on the soil types of farm fields. Varying types and amounts of hybrids and amounts of fertilizer is also discussed. The video 05:25 minutes in...
Screenshot for Variable Rate Fertilizer #760
This video, provided by AgPhD, discusses the advantages of variable-rate fertilizer application. Productivity can vary throughout a farm field, so some areas need more fertilizer than others. This video discusses setting up a plan to decide on how much fertilizer to use on different areas of a...
Screenshot for Variable Rate Lime Application
This video, made available by Clark State Community College, shows variable rate lime application on an agricultural field in South Carolina. The recording runs 2:38 minutes in length.
Screenshot for VESTA Practicum Sites
This page, from the Viticulture and Enology Science and Technology Alliance (VESTA), offers a list of vineyards, wineries, and other organizations that offer practicums to students in the field. A map allows users to sort data by US state location, or scroll through the complete list. 
These vignettes, from the Viticulture and Enology Science and Technology Alliance, showcase students' experiences as they learn the science and skills required for the grape and wine industry and begin their careers in this exciting and exploding field. Students from Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, and...
This site, from RKW Productions, is a "wine education website which introduces consumers to limited production wineries through mini-documentaries." These documentaries feature wineries in California, Oregon, and Washington. Approximately 50 wineries are profiled in order educate the public about...
This video is provided by Purdue University and is from a session at the Ivy Tech 2013 Engineering Technology Summit. In the video, Purdue faculty members Dawn Laux and Michele Summers "describe a virtual learning community (VLC) and how a VLC supports student success in a Pathway model of higher...
This collection, made available by Cark State Community College, includes instructional material to help students visualize one acre. Included in the collection are presentation slides, two short assessment activities, and an additional document with information about the acre at 1/64 scale.  The ...
This interactive e-book from the Dolan DNA Learning Center shows the continuity of research on corn throughout the ages, from Native American agriculturalists to molecular biologists. Using animations, photographs, illustrations, time lapse video, and interviews the story of corn is told in five...
Screenshot for What To Do With Damaged Grapes?
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America discusses how to make good wine with spoiled grapes. The following topics are covered: controlling microbial spoilage, preventing stuck fermentation, reducing oxidation risks, managing color, and limiting off-aroma. This video runs 30:06 minutes in...
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