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Agricultural and Environmental Technologies -- Environmental technologies


Screenshot for An Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 1.212J/ESD.221J, An Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems. The course examines how ground transportation can be improved by applying technology directly within the system, and utilizing sophisticated...
Screenshot for Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP)
This not-for-profit, North Carolina community-based effort promotes farmland protection and sustainable production systems through research, development, policy support and promotion.  Additionally, this website provided by Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP), connects local growers...
AQUASTAT, a global information system of water and agriculture, developed by the Land and Water Development Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization, provides comprehensive information about agricultural water management across the world, with emphasis on developing countries and countries...
Screenshot for Architectural Design, Level II: Material Essence: The Glass House
Part of MIT's innovative OpenCourseWare Project that provides materials from MIT classes to the public on the web, this site describes the course Architectural Design, Level II: Material Essesnce: The Glass House.  Focusing on the topic of compensation for the energy transfer characteristics of...
Screenshot for Arizona Solar Center Homepage
Presented by the Arizona Solar Center, a non-profit organization that promotes the use of solar energy, this webiste provides information about solar technologies, including photovoltaics, solar cooking, solar water heating, solar architecture, wind power. It also provides hands-on activities for...
Screenshot for Association for Environment Conscious Building
The Association for Environment Conscious Building is a nonprofit trade organization that promotes green building in Great Britain. Their web site includes news, information on conferences, answers to common questions, expert advice, and an online database to locate members and green building...
Athena Sustainable Materials Institute, a nonprofit organization that provides information on the environmental impact of buildings and building products using life cycle analysis, authors this website. Information on the organization, resources, research reports, educational publications, and links...
Screenshot for ATTRA - The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
This website, provided by ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture Program, promotes sustainable agriculture. Publications on production practices, alternative crop and livestock enterprises, innovative marketing, and organic certification, and highlights of local, regional, USDA and other federal sustainable...
On this site, produced by the Environmental Protection Agency, are fact sheets on pollution prevention for auto repair and fleet maintenance, how to order the videos and fact sheets, how to use the materials in outreach, and executive summaries of pollution prevention reports.  The website is...
This site offers information on how and where CO is generated, alternatives and solutions to the problem, and a list of cities and regions who have been non-compliant in recent years. Users are able to navigate through four different "virtual shops" including a mixing room, spray booth, service and...
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