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Bio and Chemical Technologies -- Biotechnology


Screenshot for What is GIS? Biomanufacturing Information and Communications Technologies
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode from ATETV asks the question, "What is GIS?" and explores biomanufacturing and information and communications technologies. The episode can be watched in full or through the three...
Screenshot for When Biology Gets 'Quirky', Scientists Turn to Math
This article from discusses research at Ohio State University that is related to "why cells sometimes react to medicines in unexpected ways." Researchers were "trying to solve a longstanding mystery in chemistry and biology" and were "getting answers from a seemingly unusual source:...
Screenshot for Write Effective Laboratory Reports
The ability to write a good laboratory report is an essential skill for all scientists. For many students, however, producing a well-written lab report is a laborious task. This document presents some useful pointers on lab report writing, and a discussion of lab report content so that students will...
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