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Micro and Nanotechnologies


Screenshot for MNT-CURN Seminar Series: Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials
This video is part of a series from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center's (MNT-EC) Micro Nano Technology Collaborative Undergraduate Research Network (MNT-CURN) Research Program. In this program, students gain hands-on research experience and build nanotechnology technical education skills....
Screenshot for MNT-CURN Seminar Series: Undergraduate Research Experience in Micro Nano Technology
This video is part of a series from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center's (MNT-EC) Micro Nano Technology Collaborative Undergraduate Research Network (MNT-CURN) Research Program. In this program, students gain hands-on research experience and build nanotechnology technical education skills....
Screenshot for MNT-CURN Seminar Series: USC NanoResearch Efforts
This video is part of a series from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center's (MNT-EC) Micro Nano Technology Collaborative Undergraduate Research Network (MNT-CURN) Research Program. In this program, students gain hands-on research experience and build nanotechnology technical education skills....
Screenshot for MNT-CURN Seminar Series: Word of Light
This video is part of a series from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center's (MNT-EC) Micro Nano Technology Collaborative Undergraduate Research Network (MNT-CURN) Research Program. In this program, students gain hands-on research experience and build nanotechnology technical education skills....
Screenshot for MNT-EC Dissemination: Journal and Podcast
This video from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) is part of a series of seminars on micro nano technologies and issues in the field. In this video, Peter Kazarinoff previews the upcoming peer-reviewed journal sponsored by MNT-EC and the upcoming podcast from MNT-EC detailing...
Screenshot for Modeling Self Assembly
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers self-assembly of molecules. Two activity are contained in this lesson. The first is "a hands-on modeling activity designed to introduce students to the area of nanotechnology and give them a basic understanding of...
Screenshot for MTTC Pressure Sensor Process Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), covers the fabrication process of a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) process sensor. The module was originally designed to support a one week workshop where students build micro-sized pressure sensors. The...
Screenshot for Multi-Responsive Nanogels for Biosensing, Drug Delivery, and Regenerative Medicine
This webinar, made available by Pennsylvania State University, was presented by John R. Clegg, a postdoctoral fellow in bioengineering in the Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. The purpose of the webinar is to introduce "environmentally responsive hydrogels...
Screenshot for NACK Center Webinars
This page from the Nanotechnology Applications & Career Knowledge Center (NACK) includes links to a number of useful webinars that have been archived. Users may view webinars on a number of different topics related to nanotechnology education and technical education in general. Nanotechnology in...
This webinar handout was made to accompany the webinar Fundamentals of Metrology and Characterization For Nanotechnology, presented by the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK) Network on September 27, 2013. In the webinar, Dr. Diane Hickey-Davis, a respected scientist and product...
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