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Micro and Nanotechnologies


This nanoHub webpage provides a Nanocrystalline Solar Cells lab created by SHINE: Seattle's Hub for Industry-driven Nanotechnology Education. "This lab consists of activities designed to teach students about solar cells." Lab learning objectives include: Gain a basic understanding of circuits and...
Screenshot for Nanoengineering Cellulose for Environmental and Biomedical Applications
This webinar, from the National Center for Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge, provides information on environmental and biomedical applications for nanocelluloses. The presentation was given by Dr. Amir Sheikhi, Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at...
Screenshot for Nanofabrication Techniques
This page from Foothill College describes a course on nanoscience for those who need an introduction to the subject. This course is the fifth in a five course series that leads to a certificate in nanoscience, nanotechnology, and nanomaterials engineering. Students will obtain a survey of...
Screenshot for Nanofiltration Module
Module Description: This module, created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), introduces students to nanofiltration, a technique that can remove "even the smallest of pathogens" from community water sources. In this module students will "use a model to illustrate the...
Screenshot is a website provided by the Network for Computational Nanotechnology. The site presents resources on many nanotechnology and other technology related topics including algorithms, bio nano applications, carbon nanotubes, circuits, devices, education, outreach, material science, molecular...
Screenshot for nanoHUB Forge
This nanoHub website provides links to tool development web pages. Many tools are open sources and the code can be downloaded via Subversion from the nanoHub website. Some tools are closed source. Some examples of tools include: Atomic Simulation Environment GUI, Spin-dependent Electronic Transport...
Screenshot for Nanomotors
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of nanomotors. Students will learn about nanometers through hands-on experiments which "explore nanoscale propulsion principles and guide students in recognizing and analyzing differences between macroscale...
Nanooze is a website that has been created to get kids excited about science and especially nanotechnology. The world that is too small to see is full of interesting stuff. Scientists and engineers are beginning to understand this world and learning how to change things at the nanoscale level. Why?...
Screenshot for Nanoparticle Pollutants
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, introduces students to the interaction between plastics, nanotechnology, and the natural world. Students will "understand how nanoparticles in our oceans can carry toxic pollutants into our cells, and how this may interfere...
Screenshot for Nanoparticle Synthesis Safety Measures (Part 1)
This video, made available by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), provides an overview of safety measures for a nanoparticle synthesis laboratory. In the video students are shown demonstrating safety measures in a nanoscience laboratory for the following topics: planning, storage...
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