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Micro and Nanotechnologies


Screenshot for LiveScience Topic: Nanotechnology
This website from Live Science includes resources that cover developments in nanotechnology. This site details the future benefits that nanotechnology research could serve including advances in telecommunications, information technology, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals. Articles, countdowns, image...
Screenshot for Luminescent Nanoparticles of Metal Oxides
This video recording is made available by the Nanotechnology Applications & Career Knowledge (NACK) and the Nanotechnology Collaborative Infrastructure Southwest (NCI-Southwest), and features a webinar presentation by Dr. Yuanbing Mao on luminescent nanoparticles of metal oxides. This presentation...
Screenshot for Lurie Nanofabrication Facility
The Michigan Nanofabrication Facility (MNF) at the University of Michigan Solid-State Electronics Laboratory (SSEL) is one of the leading centers worldwide on micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) and microsystems. It provides facilities and processes for the integration of Si integrated circuits...
In this colorful, interactive object, learners examine how materials on the nanoscale compare with those on the macroscale. The focus is on the difference between macroscale and nanoscale gold in both color and melting point.
Screenshot for Magnetism and Nanotechnology
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers magnetism. Students will experiment with ferrofluid which is "a unique material that has both magnetic and liquid properties. It is a colloidal solution of nano-sized particle of magnetite suspended in a liquid." A...
Screenshot for Making a Liquid Crystal Thermometer
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, introduces students to the temperature response of liquid crystals, and how they respond in different phases of matter. In addition to liquid, solid, and gas, the fourth phase of matter includes liquid crystals which "have...
Screenshot for Memory Metals Module
This module, created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), explores "the properties of shape memory alloys, commonly called memory metals." Topics covered include: Crystals, Crystal Structures, Shape-memory Alloys, Crystal Phases, One-way Memory Phase, Two-way Memory Phase, and...
Screenshot for MEMS Applications
This webpage is provided by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) and contains links to learning modules on MEMS Applications. Each module includes participant and instructor guides as well as presentations for the instructor to use and other materials useful for teaching the lesson....
Screenshot for MEMS Applications Overview Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), introduces students to "some of the many applications of MEMS and allow[s] them to explore areas of their personal interest." This module is divided into the following three units: MEMS Applications Overview...
Screenshot for MEMS Fabrication Learning Module
This page from the Support Center for Microsystems Education features learning modules on the topic of MEMS Fabrication. Module topics include Crystallography for Microsystems, Deposition Overview for Microsystems, Photolithography Overview for Microsystems, MEMS Micromachining Overview, MTTC ...
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