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Engineering Technologies -- Electronics and controls


Screenshot for Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab
Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab, created by the University of Colorado, allows students to play virtually with a bar magnet and coils to learn about Faraday's law. Students can move a bar magnet near one or two coils to make a light bulb glow and view the magnetic field lines. A meter will show the...
Screenshot for Faraday's Law
Light a light bulb by waving a magnet. This simulation of a Faraday's Law is from the Physics Education Technology website of University of Colorado. It is accessible for teachers and students alike. Included are links to related topics and additional ideas and activities for teachers to use.
Screenshot for Flow Rate and Actuator Speed (Part 1 of 2)
This lesson, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, examines how flow rate and volume influence the actuation speed of linearly actuating hydraulic cylinders. The lesson will also "examine how displacement and rotational speed influence the flow rate output of pumps and how displacement and...
Screenshot for Flow Rate and Actuator Speed (Part 2 of 2)
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, ...examine[s] how flow rate and volume influence the actuation speed of linearly actuating hydraulic cylinders." The video also investigates the impact of displacement and rotational speed on the flow rate produced by pumps, as well as how...
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, provides a detailed overview of the "general properties of fluid conductors like pipes, tubes, and hoses in hydraulic systems." The recording runs 5:57 minutes in length and part two is available to view separately.
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, provides a detailed overview of the "general properties of fluid conductors like pipes, tubes, and hoses in hydraulic systems." The recording runs 5:54 minutes in length and part one is available to view separately.
Screenshot for Fluid Power Pneumatics
Course Description: This course, developed by Bridgerland Technical College, teaches students about pneumatic principles and circuitry. Topics include force and energy transmission, identifying ANSI and ISO pneumatic symbols, and understanding how to read and draw pneumatic schematics. Students ...
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, provides a detailed overview of fluid velocity and fluid power. Discussed in the presentation is "how a conductor’s cross sectional area and flow rate through it influence fluid velocity, and how pressure and flow rate influence fluid...
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, provides a detailed overview of fluid velocity and fluid power. Discussed in the presentation is "how a conductor’s cross sectional area and flow rate through it influence fluid velocity, and how pressure and flow rate influence fluid...
Screenshot for Formation of a PN Junction Diode and its Band Diagram
This webpage includes an animation of a formation of a PN Junction Diode and its Band Diagram. This interactive applet is a good way to help students see the relationship.
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