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Engineering Technologies -- Electronics and controls


Screenshot for ARRL Education and Technology Program Curriculum Guide
This curriculum guide, from the American Radio Relay League, is "a resource that will help you do what you do best...teach, and teach in a refreshing, captivating way that will bring your students into the world of wireless technology, a journey that will enrich their lives, and our lives." From...
Screenshot for Asynchronous Generators (Part 1 of 2)
During this lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, viewers will learn about the mechanical and electrical characteristics of asynchronous or induction generators. The concept of real and reactive power in AC systems and how these generators function in both motor and generator modes...
Screenshot for Asynchronous Generators (Part 2 of 2)
During this lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, viewers will learn about the mechanical and electrical characteristics of asynchronous or induction generators. The video discusses how to create an asynchronous generator from a standard induction motor. The video explores various...
Anthony Francis returned to New York for school after spending his childhood on the small Caribbean island of St. Lucia. See how collaborative projects, rich mentoring, and skillful networking helped Anthony secure a job in mechatronics, a top 10 emergent technology. 
Screenshot for ATE Student Success Stories: Matthew's Story
Matthew Davis thought he knew what he wanted to do after high school, but decided to expand his career options after a year of working as a residential electrician. Discover his new educational focus, learn about underwater autonomous vehicles, and see how ATE helped Mathew secure a career more...
This paper, by Sam Guccione and Uros Marjanovic of the School of Technology at Eastern Illinois University covers influential radio frequency identification (RFID), and its increasing implementation in the supply chain, engineering technology and industrial technology degree programs. The paper...
This is a webpage with many learning objects for Automation covering the following areas: Open/Closed Loops, Feedback Devices, Control Modes, and Servo Systems.
Screenshot for AVT 105 - Avionics Aircraft Electricity Syllabus
This 5-page syllabus provides an overview of the Avionics Aircraft Electricity course taught at Trident Technical College. This four credit course "is the study of operation and maintenance of various electrically operated aircraft systems." Topics covered "include batteries, generators,...
Screenshot for AVT 120 - Aviation Electronic Comms Syllabus
This 5-page syllabus provides an overview of the Aviation Electronic Comms course taught at Trident Technical College. This 3-credit course "includes application of electrical theory and analysis techniques to the study of aircraft transmitters and receivers, with an emphasis on mixers, IF...
Screenshot for AVT 125 - Avionics Data Communication Syllabus
This 5-page syllabus provides an overview of the Avionics Data Communication course taught at Trident Technical College. This 2-credit course "emphasizes the techniques for sending and receiving information through space." Topics include media characteristics, modulation and demodulation, signal...
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