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Engineering Technologies -- Electronics and controls


Screenshot for AVT 150 - Aircraft Navigation Systems Syllabus
This 5-page syllabus provides information about the Aircraft Navigations Systems course taught at Trident Community College. This 2-credit course "covers the theory and maintenance of airborne Very High Frequency (VHF) navigation equipment, including VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR) receivers,...
Screenshot for AVT 155 - Aircraft Pulse Systems Syllabus
This 5-page syllabus provides information about the Aircraft Pulse Systems course taught at Trident Community College. This 2-credit course "covers the operation and maintenance of air traffic control transponders and distance measuring equipment, including encoding, decoding pulse transmission,...
Screenshot for AVT 160 Aircraft Radar Systems - Syllabus
This 5-page syllabus provides information about the Aircraft Radar Systems course taught at Trident Community College. This 2-credit course applies "the principles of pulse and microwave circuits typically applied to search and weather radar." During the course, "students will learn to operate and...
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, examines "balanced 4 and 3 wire Y configurations in 3 phase AC systems." The recording runs 23:10 minutes in length and part two is available to view separately.
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, examines "balanced 4 and 3 wire Y configurations in 3 phase AC systems." The recording runs 19:19 minutes in length and part one is available to view separately.
This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the first part of a two part lecture that discusses basic programmable logic controller (PLC) instructions. The main objective of the lecture is to "introduce the make, break, and output enable instructions for PLC programs." This lecture...
This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the second part of a two part lecture that discusses basic programmable logic controller (PLC) instructions. The main objective of the lecture is to "introduce the make, break, and output enable instructions for PLC programs." This lecture...
Screenshot for Bode Servo Analysis
This site includes an interactive Java applet for control systems. Users may drag open-loop corner frequencies with the mouse to improve tracking performance and reject sensor noise in a unity-feedback system.
Screenshot for Boost Converter Animation
This animation, created by faculty at Dartmouth University, is a boost converter. The resource features other animations including buck and discontinuous converters. The site also depicts simple diode, bridge, and half-wave with cap rectifiers.
Screenshot for Buck Converter Animation
This website from the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College features an animation of a buck converter. A buck converter is a step-down DC to DC converter. The design is similar to the step-up boost converter, and like the boost converter it is a switched-mode power supply that uses two...
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