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(4 classifications) (18 resources)

Information and Security Technologies

ATE Area Classifications
Geospatial technologies (516)
Information and communications technologies (397)
Logistics (28)
Security, information assurance, and forensics (134)


Screenshot for Community of Practice (NOVA): Professional Development
These two documents cover cloud computing education. The document from Northern Virginia Community College and Columbus State Community College provides an overview of cloud computing professional development offered to instructors. Professional development covers fabrication, programming, and...
This slide deck, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was part of a special webinar presentation by Mike Libassi from Sinclair Community College and Doug Miller from Salt Lake Community College (SLCC). Both Sinclair and SLCC are member schools of the CTC's Convergence...
Screenshot for CompTIA Data+ Certification Exam
This presentation, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was given to attendees of the July 2022 Summer Working Connections professional development event. In the video, Alan Rowland, Director of US Academic Programs for CompTIA, discusses the specifics of CompTIA's new Data+...
Screenshot for Cybersecurity Business Industry Leadership Team
This 1-page flyer and 20-page presentation, created by Columbus State Community College, were used by Columbus State for recruiting members for the Cybersecurity Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT). The BILT model of curriculum development establishes a close and impactful relationship...
Screenshot for Data Networking and Communication Technical Pages
This resource, created by Data Connect Enterprise, is a fully-developed collection of tutorials on data networking and communication, such as fiber optics, Ethernet, and cabling. Users of the collection can click on sections such as 'Configuring Your Modem For Optimum Performance' or 'Ok! You Got...
Screenshot for Earn-and-Learn: Work-Based Learning Program Replication Guide for Information Technology
This 20-page guide, created by Columbus State Community College, provides instruction for establishing apprenticeship programs modeled after Columbus State's IT Flexible Apprenticeship (ITFA) program. The ITFA program is designed to provide a direct, accessible, and affordable pathway to the IT...
Screenshot for Fiber Optic Association Standards
The Fiber Optic Association has always been involved in standards, both creating standards for education and certification, as well as participating in industry standards activities. Now the Fiber Optic Association is creating its own standards for their members – the contractors, designers,...
Screenshot for iPhone Programming Presentation: Slides
These presentation slides by Mike Qaissaunee cover information about the iPhone. The presentation includes sections on What is the iPhone?, iPhone Overview, iPhone Development, iPhone Economics, iPhone SDK, Cocoa Touch Layer, Media Layer, Core Services and OS, What's Different About Programming for...
Screenshot for IT Bachelors in Partnership with Community Colleges
This presentation, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was given to attendees of a summer 2022 Working Connections in-person meeting. In the presentation, David Keathly from the University of North Texas (UNT) discusses the origins and format of UNT's Bachelor of Arts in...
Screenshot for IT Flexible Apprenticeship Employer Engagement
This 35-page resource, provided by Columbus State Community College, includes two presentations directed towards employers involved Columbus State's IT Flexible Apprenticeship (ITFA) program. The ITFA program is designed to provide a direct, accessible, and affordable pathway to the IT industry....
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