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Information and Security Technologies -- Information and communications technologies


Screenshot for Arrays in C++ (Video 19 of 23)
This video, published by Sinclair Community College, is part of the video series Complex Concepts, Simply Put. This series explores programming concepts to augment the training of prospective IT technicians. In the video, viewers are introduced to 1D arrays in C++. The video provides information on...
This resource, provided by Florida State University, is a curriculum analysis report of the Assessing Information Technology Educational Pathways That Promote Deployment and Use of Rural Broadband study. The goal of this National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education project is to...
Screenshot for Asterisk:
This presentation was created and presented by Vincente D'Ingianni, Director of Professional Services at Binary Systems, Inc. The presentation covers Asterisk, "a complete VoIP Softswitch, designed to reproduce the features of standard office PBX system," which allows interaction between these PBX...
Screenshot for ATE Epilogue Case Study: MCIT
This 4-page case study on the Midwest Center for Information Technology (MCIT), published by SageFox Consulting Group, is part of a series that examines ATE centers after funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) ceases. The study examines the consortium of six community colleges that bound...
Screenshot for ATE Epilogue Case Study: The Nashville Centers
This 7-page case study on the Nashville Centers, published by SageFox Consulting Group, is part of a series that examines ATE centers after funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) ceases. The study examines the Nashville centers from their conception to the present, those being the South...
Screenshot for ATE Student Success Stories: Kristen's Story
Kristin Edwards thought she wanted to be a math education major until a computer science class changed the course of her career. After more coursework, and an ATE sponsored internship with a local business, she's discovered a new passion and a new path. With an emphasis on two-year colleges, the...
Course Description: In this Information and Communication Technology Module A Course, developed by Articulated Technological Education Pathways (ATEP), students explore how technological innovations have changed the world. The module guides students through purchasing and building a computer and...
Course Description: In this Information and Communication Technology Module B course, developed by Articulated Technological Education Pathways (ATEP), students focus on network and internet connectivity. Each section of the course includes resources related to the instruction topic. The course is...
This resource, provided by Metropolitan Community College, is an orientation to the Automate! Programming Workshop intended to help users prepare the materials and facilitate the workshop. Two main workshop objectives include: Integrate information technology concepts within a building automation...
Screenshot for Best Practices and Hard Lessons from the Professional Development Trenches
These resources, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center, include a presentation slide-deck and two surveys from the spring 2023 Innovations conference in Arizona. The presentation covered key strategies and best practices for successfully planning and delivering a professional...
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